
Feb 26, 2011

Kita Satu Malaysia ♥

Aku sukaaaa lagu nie .

ohh , n maybe mse hari kemerdekaan nnti , class aku akan nyanyi lagu ni utk persembahan . weeeeeee ~


Missing you .

howdy maite ! :D

miss me much ? LOL . sorry lahh dear . lme takk update cuz lme takk online cuz ade masalah teknikal . haha . :D

how's life ? lol . i should tell mine . nothing much lahh . hmmmmm .

takk tauu nk update ape dohh . hahaha . hari tuu ade byk bnde jugakk lahh aku nk update . tpi dh lupaaa . heeeee . sorry . nie je lahh dulu kayhh .


Feb 22, 2011

This is Friends . (:

I tribute this song for my dearly , lovely , super , amazing , awesome , sucker , dumbass , n beloved friends . you know who you are . ;) ILYSDFM !


Hidup Di taLi Gantung . :O

haha . gebang je tittle . :p

sbnarnye , aku nk story psal HANGMAN . tauu takk hangman tuu ape ?

ni lahh hangman . huhu .

tadi , kat skolah mse subject akhir , that is phyzics , cikgu takkde . then , akim g tnye nk main quiz ark kat kelas . then budak2 suma ckap nk main hangman . haha . aku senyap je lahh . tidak bersuara . haha . dok diam2 sudaaa . *budak baru lahh katekan . ceyhh .

pstu , jo yee yg start . dye buat line2 tuu , then bagi theme . theme dye , movie .
_ _ _ _ _
_ _
_ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ .

so , jwapan nye 'Night At The Museum . mira yg dpat jwab . bukan aku ye . mira mat luwi . huhuhu . so far , takde spe yg kene gntung lahh . haha . best pulakk main ngan dorang . guna whiteboard . pnjam fareez pnye marker . haha . ketua baikk . ceyhh . 21 of us semua joinn . group aku mnang babe .  besttt .

pstu , before kteorg main tuu , shakira , mira mat luwi , shahirah ngan fattuhul ngah ckap psal justin bieber . then suddenly kira ckap . "nie , nie . budak nie sukaa sgat ngan justin bieber" smbil menundingkan jari ke arah ku . haha . dorang pndang , aku buat peace je . HAHA . bangga lahh kan ? eceyhh . then , fath pegy nyanyi lagu u smile . dye ckap , "tah ape2 lagu tuu . mcm takde perasaan" . aku pndang je lahh . aku tauu dye nk main2 ngan aku . sje je tuu . haha . pdahal dye yg nyanyi mcam takde soul . :p huhu .

then , mse nk balik pulakk , before loceng bunyi lagi , kteorg dh dok kat luar . sbb nk keluar cpat2 becuz nk kucin pintu kelas . motif ? untuk mengelak budak2 class tambahan guna class kteorg . act , kteorg takk kesah kalau dorang nk guna . dgn cara BAIKK . nie , bila keesokan je , tgok kelas dh mcm tonkang pecah babe . cabut sne , cbut sini . especially kteorg pnye sudut ilmu kat blakang . buat penat jea AJK g hias cntik2 . haihhhhh .

dh byk kali pulakk tuu . dorang jealous kott sbb last week , class 4 science 1 mnang for kebersihan n keceriann kelas . class aku lahh tuu . ;) lantakk dorang lahh .


Feb 21, 2011

You remind me of him .

LOL . who remind me of who ? haha .

both are my teacher . one from new school . n the other is from old school . so , its like . (new teacher) remind me of (old teacher) . get it ? haha .

ade sorang cikgu kat skolah aku nie . Sir Irwan . sebijik dohh mcam cikgu Shuhily . seriously . kalau korang kenal cikgu shuhily , korang akan tauu . dorang nie jenis yg sopan santun . ceyhh . bahasa baikkk ;) tpi btull lahh . lelaki special kott .

dorang nie bukan sembarangan aww . lembut , lembut punn . GARANG babe ! tuu yg aku respect sgt2 . :D caya lahh cikgu . dorang punn macho pe . buley tahan ar . hikhik .

sbnarnye , tadi mse assembly , sir irwan bertugas for this week . so dye handle lahh en .mula2 , control je . sopan . ckap slow , lmbut . biler dh abes perhimpunan . amek kauu ! senyap je semua . giler lahh . dye tgur budak yg pakai tie takk btul . pstu siap tunjuk example 'ade ke cikgu pakai tie mcm bru blek keje ?' . R E S P E C T . mmg aku btul2 respect . aku suka kalau cikgu cmtuuu . dye punn sporting gakk . ok je . mcm cikgu shuhily gakk lahh . bestt . tpi , dye takk ajar aku punn . haha xD


Jay Iswazir

spe dia nie ? bf aku kea ? haha . kalau buley nk aje :p haha .

Ahmad Iswazir Ismail . ataupun lebih dikenali sbg jay iswazir dalam rancangan realiti pilih kasih musim ke2 . heee . beliau dilahirkan pada 17 July 1982 di ipoh , perak (: so , tahun nie , he's 29 . ok lahh tu . hmmm . status dye , aku takk sure . belum kahwin kottt . tahh . takk tauu .

knape aku nk story psal dye ? of cuz lahh sbb aku minat kat dye kann ? haha . but , seriously . aku mmg minat giler2 ngan dye nie aww . lakonan dye mmg mantap . bestt wokk .  n his looks , not bad pe . macho lahhh . (: comel , cute . eh sme je tuu . haha .

and , kalau korang perasan . dye ade parut kat muka belah kanan dye tuu . sbb kemalangan kott . tu lahh . n dye pernah bagi statement yg dye akan ubah rupa dye . hadoiii . tak payah lahh abg oii . YOU ARE AMAZING , JUST THE WAY YOU ARE . heeeeeee . 

semalam , pentas ahkir for pilih kasih . of cuz dye nie masuk final . ceyhh . mmg masuk punn . besttt sgt2 . aku takk penah nk tgok pentas pilih kasih dari awal smpai abes . nie first time babe . knape ? sbb aku nk tgok JAY (: weeeeee . 

Walaupun dye bukan juara . tapi , dye mnang for anugerah khas juri . that is PELAKON TERBAIK wokkk ! congrats aite ;) can't wait to watch u in dramas n movies :D


Feb 19, 2011

HeLLo (:

muahahahah . kesian kat korang yg jadi pembaca setia aku kann ? ade kea ? haha . yg aku tauuu , soniaa ngan ibu tercinta jea . huhu . aku dh lme takk update . M A L A S dohhh . 

Plus , takde cerita yg menarik tertarik kauu mmg da bomb lahh . heeeee . sorry yaww . kalau ade story yg hot hot , nnti aku update okey ? heee . love u guyz . thanks for reading ;)


Feb 16, 2011

Periodic Table song :D

yuppp . its for chemistry !

haha . enjoy it ? cool . now , hafal weyh ! ;)


Feb 15, 2011

Salam Maulidur Rasul (:

heeee. hari nie , bersamaan dgan 12 rabi'ulawal , merupakan ulangtahun kelahiran Rasulullah s.a.w. (: 

aku punn takk tauu nk ckap ape . haha . just banyakkan berselawat ke atas junjungan kayh . :D bukan hari nie je . everyday lebih baik ;)

act , amanputra tmpat aku tggal nie nk adekan satu majlis for this thing kat surau amanputra lahh . aku ngan family ingat mmg nk pegy . exited nie . dh fkir nk pakai bju pe lahh , tu lahh , ini lahh . for tonight . 

but tgok2 , majlis tuu dh dibuat semalam . 14hb feb . haiihhh . aku igatkan hari nie , 15hb . -.-' tu lahh . bce surat tuu , bukannye nk tgok tarikh . kann dh rugi . terlepass . 

lain kali , bace btul2 . bace je semua . takk rugi ape2 punn . sekarang , rugi sgt dahh . padan muka -.-' .


Feb 14, 2011

Lauren and Dani Cimorelli

Lauren ,

Dani ,


sugar and spice . lol . tu nickname dorang . lauren is sugar while dani is spice . they have their own show on utube (: aku suka tgok . klakar + comel :D

act ,dorang adik beradik . the cimorelli . dorang ade band family dorang sendiri . there are six of them . dgan kakak dorang sekali lahh . CIMORELLI BAND . (: bestt . dorang byk cover lagu jea .

haha . my fav is lauren . dye pretty dohh . femenin sgt . n she reminds me of lava girl . lol . kalau takk silap , lauren 13 , n dani is 10 this year . kalau tak silap lahh . haha . nmpk matured sgt kann ? biaselahh , oversea's pnye budakk . heeeee . korang check out lahh dorang nye youtube . cari DaniAndLaurenCim .


Tak kenal , maka tak CINTA (:

as salam peeps (:

tittle tu tida kene mengena dgn valentines yer :p heeeeee .

korang penah dgr takk perumpamaan tuu ? makenye , kalau kita takk tahu sesuatu , or seseorg tuu , kita takk kan suka or sayang dye . kann ? tu lahh yg aku nk story . sbb bnde tu terjadi kat aku .

tadi , aku stayback kat skolah cuz ade discussion ngan classmate . kteorg kne buat presentation . group aku , atiqah , zaima ngan anandini . aku rapat ngan tiqah ngan zaima jea . dgn dini takk sgt . so tdi , kteorg cari isi n stuff . pstu , si atiqah g tmpat lain tggalkan aku ngan dini . haihh . aku buat je lahh pe yg ptut . pstu , dini start talking n ask me bout that n this . dye tnye pmr lahh , bla ,bla ,bla . n we had a conversation . bler dh ckap byk2 tuu , aku rase budakk dini nie takk de lahh trok mne . aku sukaa dye (: she's nice .

n one more thing , canteen skolah aku tuuu , im starting to love it dohh ! ye lahh . aku takk bese sgt g rehat kat canteen . aku lepak kat koperasi jea . n canteen tuu , kinda bad . jaoh beza ngan canteen skolah usj 12 . miss it :'( but , disebabkan aku stayback tadi , aku kena lahh g canteen utk makan kann ?  koperasi tutup . so , pegy je lahh . bila g kat counter jea , perrgghh . takk kann takde makanan berat ? hmph . aku beli roti hotdog roll jea . then suddenly , akak canteen tu tetibe jerit , "nasi goreng kampung !" . aku dh pelikk dh . then tgok anandini datang n bayar . aku dh blurr . ehh ? buley kea order tuu ? haha ! aku tnye akak tu slow2 . nasi goreng kampung tu brape ? dye ckap rm3.50 . ouhh . *check duit . haha . ade, ade . ckap ngan akak tuu , nk satu kak . pergghh . mcam kat kedai makan . bestt pulakk . ade budakk tuu , siap order nasi goreng pataya lagii :D cool ryte ? haha .

then aku duduk lahh mkan roti hotdog aku tuu . pstu , dye jerit lagi "Nasi goreng kampung !" . akak , sye takk pekak lagi lahh -.-' then bayar lahh .  pstu makan . sedapp wokkk ! ade telur mata lagi . haha . mmg bestt lahh . kenyang aku mkan . Alhamdulillah (:

so , lesson of the story is , kenal dulu ngan sesuatu tuu , baru lahh korang buley suka kat bnde tuu kann ? heeeee .


Feb 13, 2011

Tomorrow is VALENTINE ?

LMAO ! aku takk sedar punn esok valentine's day . haha . bgus lahh tu kann ?

ye lahh , umat islam mne buley smbut valentine valentine nie . heeeeee . bgi aku en , tak guna punn nk smbt bnde alah tuu . ye lahh , sepatutnya , seseorang tu ... hmm , cne nk ckap ea . hah , seseorang tu menghargai kekasih dorang every day . bukan on valentine's day jer . btul takk ?

ape tu valentine's day ? heh , layan nie .

"Tidak sempurna iman seseorang kamu sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya sebagaimana
dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri"(maksud hadis) Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. merupakan Rasulullah
yang bertanggungjawab menyebar Islam kepada umatnya 
setelah melalui pelbagai keperitan dan kejerihan.
 Paderi St. Valentino merupakan seorang paderi utama yang hidup pada zaman
pemerintahan Ratu Isabella dan merupakan antara orang terpenting yang menjatuhkan dan
menzalimi umat Islam Cordovo, Sepanyol pada zaman lampau.
 Rasulullah lahir pada 12 Rabiul
Awal manakala tarikh kejayaan
 St. Valentino dan konco-konconya menawan Cordova daripada
umat Islam ialah pada 14 Februari. 
Tetapi apa yang peliknya terutama dikalangan umat Islam
sendiri, tarikh 14 Februari lebih senang diingati
 berbandung 12 Rabiul Awal itu sendiri.
tahun 14 Februari diingati sebagai Hari Kekasih yang dikalangan umat Islam amat rugi jika
Hari ini ia sekali disambut lagi dengan pelbagai cara yang dianggap oleh pasangan
kekasih paling istimewa. 
Ada yang saling bertukar-tukar bunga ros, mengadakan jamuan 
makan malam yang disinari cahaya lilin,
 bertukar-tukar perasaan di taman-taman bunga dan sebagainya." 
- di ambil dari . thanks yaww .

ape yg best sgt on that day punn aku takk tauu . HAHA . budak2 skarang suka sgt smbut . pdahal mne buley smbut . MAULIDURRASUL ade dorang nk smbt ? heh , fikir2 kan lahhh (:

ni peringatan utk aku jgak .


dear SIS ,

I miss u guyz . like seriously , i really do .  :'(

Shern , its really weird that u're not by my side anymore . cuz i dah biase ngan u . kalau tak fham or whatever in study , i'll ask u . n u'll try to answer me eventhough u don't know . u punn slalu tell me stories about u n ur family . i love that . n u jgak akan suruh i senyum when i was not . u will ask me what's wrong bila i monyok . u care bout me . thanks .

Izyan , aku rndu kauu dohh . dh lme aku takk dgar kauu 'merungut' bout that n this . lme dh takk dgar kau mrah . kauu lahh tmpat aku mengadu n melepaskan geram bila aku gduh ngan shern . kan kan kann ? hmmm . aku dh tabuley nk kacau kauu ngan JH lagiii . suka tgok bila kau blushingg . comel (: n ,i miss ur cookies lahh . heeeee .

Soniaa , my sucker buddy . now , there's no one to make me laugh like MAD . talk bout stupid stuff . n make shern mad when we're not serious in something . i miss that a lot . eventhough u're the one i connect the most with , but still . its not REAL . u know wat i mean . hmph . . i miss to hangout with u during koko . nyak lagi lahh .

tu lahh , spe suruh i pndah skolah en ? padan muka -.-'

but , its not that my new school sucks . it was ok . i still can survive . but damn different without u guyz . i sat with a girl who want to win all the time . sometimes , she's scarry . but when she's ok , she's fine .

sure its not so hard for u guyz kann . bcuz u still have each other . but me , im alone . :( n korang punn dh ade atiqah sekarang rite ? bgus lahh tu . Atiqah , jaga dorang baik2 kayh ? kawan ngan dorang btul2 . :| they're good friends n good enemy too .


Feb 12, 2011

Taare Zameen Par :D

*attention : sebelum korang bace , play lahh video kat bawah nie dulu . so , vid tu buley buffer mse korang bace post nie . it'll save ur time ;)

haha . pe jenis title yg aku bagi tuu ?

tu lahh , korang mne tauu . tu bhase , aku punn taktauu . act , itu tajuk movie hindustan . bhahah . aku mmg suka layan hindustan . bestt lahhh . movie nie aku baru tgok tdi . kat tv2 . maksud tajuk tuu , 'Like Stars On Earth' . dye psal . . . hmmm . korang bace lahh nie .

Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate; colours, fish, dogs and kites are just not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks and neatness. And Ishaan just cannot seem to get anything right in class. When he gets into far more trouble than his parents can handle, he is packed off to a boarding school to 'be disciplined'. Things are no different at his new school, and Ishaan has to contend with the added trauma of separation from his family. One day a new art teacher bursts onto the scene, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who infects the students with joy and optimism. He breaks all the rules of 'how things are done' by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon realizes that Ishaan is very unhappy, and he sets out to discover why. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself .

besttt wokk (: feeling punn ade . heeeee . ohh , n this is my favourite part of the movie :D

here's the lyrics :

Dekho dekho kya woh ped hai
Chadar ode ya khada koi — (2)
Baarish hai ya aasmaan ne
Chod diye hai nal khule kahin
Oh hum jaise dekhe yeh jahaan hai waisa hi
Jaisi nazar apni
Khul ke sochein aao
Pankh zara phailaao
Rang naye bikhrao
Chalo chalo chalo chalo
Naye khwaab bun le
Hey hey hey hey ehhhhhh….
Bum bum bum(bum bum bum)
Bum bum bum bole(bum bum bum bole)
Hey bum chik bole(bum chik bole)
Arre, masti mein dole(masti mein dole)
bum bum bole,masti mein dole
bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Bhala machliya bhi kyun udti nahin
Aise bhi socho na
Socho sooraj roz nahaye ya
Baal bhigoke yeh budhoo banaye hume
Yeh saare taare tim timaye
Ya phir gusse mein kuch badbadate rahein
Khul ke sochein aao…
Pankh zara phailaao
Rang naye bikhrao
Chalo chalo chalo chalo
Naye khwaab bun le
Hey hey hey…
bum bum bole,masti mein dole…
bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Oh rat rat ke kyon tanker full
(tanker full tanker full)
Aankhein band to dabba gul
(oye dabba gul dabba gul)
Oya band darwaze khol
(khol re khol re khol re)
Ho jaa bindaas bol re
(bol bol bol bol re)
Main bhi hoon(main bhi hoon)
Tu bhi hai(tu bhi hai)
Oh main bhi tu bhi hum sab mil ke
Bum chik bum bum chik bum chik bum bum chik…’
Bum bum bum
Bum bum bole,masti mein dole…
Bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Aisi rangon bhari apni duniya hai kyun
Socho toh socho na
Pyar se chun ke in rangon ko
Kisi ne sajaye yeh sansar hai
Jo itni sundar hai apni duniya
Upar wala kya koi kalakaar hai
Khul ke sochein aao….
Pankh zara phailaao
Rang naye bikhrao
Chalo chalo chalo chalo
Naye khwaab bun le
Chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo
Chalo chalo chalo chalo naye khwaab bun le
Bum bum bole,masti mein dole…
Bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Bum bum bole,masti mein dole…
Bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Bum bum bole,masti mein dole…
Bum bum bole,masti mein tu dol re
Oye bum bum bole

comel sgt kann ? especially AAMIR KHAN <3 .
cairrr dohhh (:


Feb 11, 2011

Damn u HACKER !

urrgghhh . geram seyhhh aku ngan hacker nie . ade ke patut dye hack JustinBieberMalaysia's facebook page !? dh lahh edit gmbr cam bangang je . siott dohhh ! kesian kat Afiqah , Clara ngan Marisa . dorang dh bina page tuuu . hacker , u're just jealous ! blahh lahh weyh .

BELIEBERs , takpe . skarang nie , senang je . korang UNLIKE page yg lama tuuu , n korang LIKE yg baru . cuz admins dh buat page baruuuu . LIKE tauu . nie link nyer . JUSTIN BIEBER MALAYSIA (official) .

the hacked one .
ewww , tgok lahh gmbr tuu . -.-'

The REAL one .
like this one will you ?


Feb 10, 2011


awwww , sweetnyer ! aku suka sgt sgt cte nie .
especially my sweetheart yg act .
he's the best !
dh lh cute + macho + handsome .
ceyhh . lebey pulakk .
heeeeee .


my CAT have been raped by my RABBIT !

haiiiyaaaa !

dh giannn sgt dh rabbit aku tuu -.-'
mne takknyer , asyik dok dlam cage je . kesian punn ade . pasangan dye plakk dh lme meninggalkan dye . so lonely lahh tuu . heeeee .

hari ni , aku lepaskan dye for the whole day . lepak chill ar dye kat luarr tuu . kucing aku punn mmg suka lepakk kat ctu . mula2 , tadi ibu ckap dye kacau jacob . aku tak caye ar . igtkan dye main2 je . main mcm kawan u know . then , baru kejap nie tdi , haiqal tunjuk aku . tibbit g rape juey . haha ! kesian juey weyh ! blurrr je dye .

yg aku tak tahan tuu , dua2 JANTAN okey ! gay ke ape rabbit aku tuuu ? haha . lantak kau lahh tibbit .


soniaa , soniaa :D

haha ! korang dapat bce takk ?
soniaa post tu via PUBLIC PHONE !
mmg terbaekk lahh en .
haha . pastu , amanda ade comment
"o.O! we can online using public phone to on9?!"
damn funny weyhhh !
haha .


Justin Bieber came into my room :D

LOL . its not even close to my room -.-' .
this girl is so damn lucky !
peerrgghh . kalau itu aku , haha . tak terkata .
biebs , i love her room's wall ! full of jb's face (:
i wish i could have that in my room .
awwww , sure cun . haha .


Feb 8, 2011

wahh , ANA RAFFALI lahh (!)

haha . berchat ngan ANA RAFFALI .
bukannye dye layan punn . dye layan some peeps je .
aku bukanlahh peminat setia dye . bese2 jea . (:
kalau korang nk , g kat

nnti pndai2 lahh korang cari starchat . :D
every week lain2 star . heeee . best .


Feb 7, 2011

i HEART him ♥

Peter Gene Hernandez
Bruno Mars

I love his songs . well , some of it . its super romantic . he can be the doctor love . LOL .
like seriously . he's sweet . he's cute . gentleman-kind of guy . just ma taste (: i love him .

but , JUSTIN BIEBER is alway in ma heart

love ya bieber ! :D


Feb 6, 2011


waddup peeps ;)

so , semalam aku bru balek dari Kuantan . holiday babehh ! :D g ngan my aunt's family . we called her 'mama' . ohh , kakyong punya bf punn join skali . abg eddy . he bring his friend along . abg so'od . HAHA . nme dye safri . but we called him so'od . i don't know why . -.-' . but dye cute tauu . *menggatal . baby face gituu . haha . and , of cuz lahh abg dua ekor nie strangers to me . ye lahh , takk kenal . strangers lahh tu en ? heeeee .

kteorg kat kuantan 3 days 2 nights . stay kat MERCU BEACH RESORT ngan SHAHZAN INN . actually , aku malas mau cerita pnjang lebar . tpi kann , holiday kali nie , byk sgt2 'first time' aku tauu .korang layan je lahh nie .


♥ naik kereta strangers .

- aku ikut kak yong ngan abg 'strangers' tu g cari satar n stuff , naik kereta abg eddy .

 duduk depan dgn stranger dalam kereta stranger . -.-'

- dh lahh first time naik kereta tak kenal , kena duduk depan pulakk tuu . dgn si so'od . cuz kak yong ngan bf dye nk dok belakang . lntakk dorang lahh . nervous glerr siot time tuu . aku dok diam je kat dpan . haha . pstu abg eddy interview aku . lol .

♥ lelaki pnggil aku 'awak' in real life .

- si so'od pnggil aku awak . pelikk giler . kalau dlam phone tu ok lahh en . nie real life . mmg pelik sgt2 . dgn orang lain punn dye guna awak gakk . but for me , aku rasa lain . cuz tak pernah lelaki pnggil aku awak . tpi dh biase dh :p

♥ duduk berdua je dalam kereta dgn stranger .

- perrgghhh . silent mode je dalam kereta time tuu . -.- ' aku dok dlam kereta berdua je ngan si so'od . cuz abg eddy ngan kakyong g beli stuff kejap . nasib baik kejap je . tpi mmg janggal giler dalam kereta . yg si so'od bukannye nk tgur punn . aku buat2 busy dgn phone . *malu kott !

♥ nmpk n makan ikan goreng tepung .

- haha . ade jual kat kedai yg jual satar . nmpk sedap . tpi byk tulang . -.-' tepung je sdap :p

♥ aku mndi swimming pool less than 1 hour .

- woot . tak pernah aku buat cmtu . mmg first time . biasenye , aku akan mndi berjam jam . kenape aku mndi kejap sgt ? adelahh . :p

♥ jejakkan kaki di pntai cherating . 

- weeee . cntikk sgt . angin kuat giler . ombaknye , tak pyah ckp lahh . mmg kuatt . tak buley mndi . eh , buley . but at own risk . kalau nk mampuihh cpat , dipersilakan . :p

♥ Pergi ke pusat karaoke .

- pergi ngan kakyong , kakngah , abg eddy ngan abg so'od . naik kereta abg eddy lahh of cuz . agak jauhh lah tmpat tuu . dlam setengah jam dari tmpat yg kteorg stay . so , tmpt karaoke tu mcm bilik vip . alah , yg dlam bilik tu lahh . buley masuk rmai2 . sejukkk . heeee . n mmg tergelak2 je dlam tuu . abg eddy n so'od byak buat lawak ngan nyanyian dorang . esspecially so'od . everytime nyanyi , sure ade bnde yg dye buat . HAHA .  yg tabuley blahh , when he sings to the wall . gila ! haha . mmg enjoy sgt . :D

♥ nyanyi dgn stranger -.-'

- haha . aku nyanyi ngan so'od . kteorg nyanyi lagu ' trouble s a friend ' ngan ' my heart will go on ' . hentam saja lahh . ke lautt pun takpe . :D haha . kakngah ika yg byk nyanyi . suara dye sdap . so'od ngan abg eddy punn sibuk nk berduet ngan dye . heeeee .

♥ rase takutt giler biler orang bawak kereta laju nk mampuss !

- biler nk balek dari karaoke tuu , dh pukul 1 lebeh . nk tau brape kena for that karaoke room ? rm160 babe ! mahal gler . aku tak tau siape yg bayar . yg pnting , bukan aku . haha . xD so , dlam perjalanan balik tuu , kereta dh lenggang . tak ramai orang . si so'od yg drive . perrgghhh . dye bawak laju gilerrr dohh ! dh lah kat jalan bengkang bengkok . kalau highway tu , buley dimaafkan lgi . ni jalan bese . mengucap je kat dlam kereta tuu . scarry . tpi , best . haha . alhamdulillah lahh selamat smpai . :D

♥ kena interview ngan polis kat road block .

- still dlam perjalanan balik dri karaoke .dup dap dup dap . bukan dye interview aku . dye interview driver tuu . si so'od lahh . spe lgi . dye mntak lesen kott . pstu dye tnye g mne . so'od ckap kteorg g makan , jlan2 . pdahal baru balek karaoke . haha . nsib baik takk kantoii . then , dye tnye spe perempuan dlam kereta tu . that is me , kakyong ngan kakngah lahh . dye ckap mmber . haha . sempoi je dye . relex . aku dh mmg nervous + takott . haha . then , dye lepaskan kteorg .

♥ stay kat dua hotel yg berbeza in one holiday .

- stay kat dua hotel in kuantan tuu . dh list kat tdi en ? heeee .

♥ nmpk toilet bawah tanah .

- haha . mula2 , tak cye . biler dh tgok , caya lahh . :D mmg smart .

♥ berhenti kat RnR yg sama , n beli makanan yg sama dua kali .

- lol . berhenti dua kali means , pergi n balek lahh . kat RnR temerloh . beli kickapoo ngan cadburry roasted almond choc . sedappp . :D

♥ dpat minuman free kat petronas .

- dorang sediakan coffee . mmg rmai giler at station petronas genting sempah .

♥ nmpk orang beratur pnjang nk masuk toilet -.-'

- haha . still kat petronas yg sme . beratur pnjang babe ! caya lahh malaysian :D

HAHA , byk en first time yg aku dpat for holiday kali ni ? mmg byk . tak terkira . haha . aku menipu . buley kira en ? xD .

sgt best ! im gonna miss kuantan <3 ohh , sorry ar takde gmbr . sye tiada camera mcm awk . (: n , kinda lazy to upload yg dlam phone pnye . heeeeee .


Feb 1, 2011

Put The HIGHEST volume on . :D

omb , i loved it !
focus on BRUNO MARS babes ,
im speechless . tell me what ya think ;)


Purple glasses ♥

Ok..Imma call this uhh operation convert the haters
aight here we go..
There's this kid and he's only 16
His name's Justin Bieber and he's so fly seeee
In his movie you'll see him in 3D
So put your purple glasses..put put your purple glasses on.
Purple..purple glasses schwag..I got my purple glasses on and I'm feelin it, yeah.
Purple..purple glasses schwag
I got my purple glasses got my purple glasses on
Feb. 11th haters gunna realize..
it's not just a craze..he'll be doing it for all time
And in the end..just bring all your friends
Spread the word...let's take it again..
Purple..purple glasses schwag..I got my purple glasses on and I'm feelin it, yeah.
Purple..purple glasses schwag
I got my purple glasses got my purple glasses on
Schwag aha! :)

weeeee . smart giler lagu nie .
credit to the one who made it up (:
can i have that ?
lol . its for never say never the movie . 3D glasses .
wait for it malaysian , its out on 14th APRIL 2011 .
a week before his concert ! :D
yeahhh man !
