
Apr 25, 2011

Why is Justin Bieber's screen name is kidrauhl?

Tadi dalam class baru terfikir ngan shakira bout this . haha . now , i got the answer . thanks wiki . n random belieber (: ngeeeee .

So , the answer is :

His father, Jeremy Bieber, has the online screen name of lordrauhl (he got the screen name from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth books and the main character's name was Lord Rahl.)

So instead of lordrauhl Justin took kidrauhl, which is so adorable.
I never knew that connection he had with his dad.
Its so sweet. (:


One Less Lonely Girl .

she's so lucky . FYI . she's Najihah Aziz , 18 . OLLG from Malaysia 21st april 2011 .

Biebs . whenever i watched the OLLG scene , i'll feel somthing u know . something like , 'awwwwww' , 'so sweet' , 'so lucky' , 'wish im that ollg' . then sometimes , i'll cry . happy tears .

u see , justin will do that during the concert in every single country he went . eventhough its often . and he did the same thing every time . but . . . urghh . its something . it's SUPER SWEET . He makes a girl feel special n lucky n whatever else . i love what he did .

ohhh , one more thing . i don't understand why people are so JEALOUS of the ollg . okey okey . tipu lahh kalau tak jealous langsung kan . buttt . takpayah lahh nk cursed that one lucky girl . dh nasib dye yg dpat naik . bukan korang . face it je lahhh . justin will LOVE us the SAME . so chill (:


Justin DO have GOOD times in MALAYSIA .

wassup guys .

u see . a lot of people are sayin' that justin don't have a good time in m'sia . said that justin was not happy with malaysia n stuff during his stay here few days ago . BUT , where did u guys know ? media ? duhhhhh ~ how freaking true is that ? did justin said that with his cute little mouth ? no rite ? so , chill . well , read this for yourself .

got it from

Hotxpress has an insider's scoop of what happened behind the scenes when Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were in town . We had an exclusive chat with Susan Tan of JS concerts , promoter of Justin Bieber's My World Tour Malaysia, as she was with Justin and Selena while they were here . She shared : "Justin and Selena were inseparable throughout their stay here and they were such a beautiful and loving couple ."

Susan added : " Justin is absolutely stunning when you have a personal encounter . He looks better than any of the pictures you've seen . Selena is pretty and very sweet in person . They were cuddling , hugging , holding hands and very apparently , totlly in LOVE . Justin's was around too . most of the time . and you can see that she is completely supportive of the relationship ."

Did #BieberGetNasiLemak ? That is the big question isn't it ? Well , this is what we find out . . . .

According to Susan , Justin and Selena hardly stepped out of the presidential suite in KL Hilton . So , obviously there was a lot of room serviced meals . the duo ordered nasi goreng , satay and - wait for it -YES ! Nasi Lemak too ! Local fruits and guava juice were also in the mix . We're assuming no durians is allowed on hotel premises , so you know what that means for those who were rooting for #DurianForBieber .

Susan mentioned : "Scooter Braun and his girlfriend had a great time in Malaysia . They went out sightseeing in KL and were really impressed . He even expressed an interest to vacation in Langkawi with his girlfriend after the tour ends . Justin and Selena also hit the hot spot and were really excited when they saw the Petronas Twin Towers and snapped loads of photos ."

A few bonus observations :
  1. Justin and his mom are like best buds , he was calling on her all the time when he was with Selena .
  2. The 17 year old was extremely active and energetic . He is not the 'quit' type that will sit still .
  3. He is good with kids as you can see in the pictures .
  4. While in the hotel suite , JB and SG were watching clips on their laptop together . Awwww , how sweet ♥

P/S : If u're TRUE BELIEBER , u won't easily believe in rumours . (:


Apr 24, 2011

Scooter Braun , MALAYSIA knows the DJ .


btw, scooter braun is Justin bieber's manager . and he's so 'teruja' cuz malaysia knows the DJ . that is . DJ Tay James (:

haha . COOL .


Apr 23, 2011

Murai tak patut !

Teks Oleh: zyzamani

Foto Oleh: Tune Talk

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 APRIL 2011: Demam penyanyi remaja popular, Justin Bieber telah pun berakhir malam tadi menerusi konsertnya yang julung kali diadakan di Malaysia iaitu Justin Bieber My World Tour.

Tidak dinafikan fenomena Justin Bieber sememangnya luar biasa. Bayangkan tiket sebanyak 15,000 ribu telah habis dijual dalam sekelip mata. Bahkan, peminat Justin Bieber sanggup tiba seawal 3.30 petang di Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur semata-mata untuk menyaksikan konsertnya yang dijadualkan berlangsung kira-kira jam 8.30 malam.

Jalan yang sesak sepanjang sekitar Stadium Merdeka, usah diperkatakan lagi serta disulami hujan lebat sementara menanti konsert bermula.

Meskipun ada yang merayu untuk memasuki stadium lebih awal daripada waktu yang dijadualkan jam 7 malam, namun rata-rata mereka kehampaan kerana pintu hanya dibuka mengikut waktu yang telah ditetapkan.

Tepat jam 8 malam, kemunculan Mizz Nina, membawakan tiga buah lagu yang mana antaranya adalah What You Waiting For telah meredakan sedikit kegelisahan peminat Bieber yang telah sekian lama menantikan kehadirannya.

Usai selepas Mizz Nina habis menyanyi, mereka kembali menjerit-jerit memanggil anak didik Usher itu supaya tampil segera ke pentas. Tetapi, Justin Bieber lebih selesa membuatkan peminatnya gelisah menanti kerana dia hanya akan muncul tepat jam 9 malam.

Memasuki 10 minit lagi sebelum jam 9 malam, sementara menanti detik permulaan, tiba-tiba suasana sekitar pentas sedikit tegang. Semuanya berlaku disebabkan petugas media yang terdiri daripada jurukamera dan jurugambar tidak dibenarkan menangkap gambar si comel tersebut.

Situasi itu menyebabkan petugas media dan pihak pengurusannya bertekak kerana mengikut prosedur yang telah ditetapkan sebelum ini, pihak media telah dibenarkan untuk merakamkan gambar dan visual untuk tiga buah lagu awal dendangannya saja.

Difahamkan arahan tersebut dikeluarkan sendiri oleh Justin Bieber yang comel itu kerana kononnya dia telah kecil hati dengan pihak media tempatan yang telah pun menangkap gambar sewaktu ketibaannya bersama buah hatinya, Selena Gomez di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), petang semalam.

Remaja kelahiran Kanada ini, dikatakan berang kerana gambarnya bersama kekasih hati dirakamkan menerusi lensa jurukamera.

Di sebabkan itu, penyanyi berusia 17 tahun ini mengambil keputusan untuk tidak membenarkan mana-mana petugas media cetak atau elektronik mengambil gambar dan visual konsertnya.

Malah, dia juga mengugut untuk tidak memulakan konsert selagi petugas media ada berdekatan pentas dan berhasrat untuk merakamkan aksinya. Sikap Bieber yang dilihat kurang professional, besar kepala atau kekwat itu sememangnya menyusahkan pihak media yang bertugas.

Sementara itu, jika mahu diulas mengenai konsertnya, apa yang boleh dikatakan tidaklah sehebat mana pun. Mungkin, dia mampu menyanyi namun dia kelihatan agak kaku apabial beraksi di atas pentas. Hanya tahu nyanyi dan nyanyi dan nyanyi!. Tiada langsung komunikasi antara dua hala bersama peminat.

Jika ada pun, berulang kali yang Bieber hanya tahu sebut, ada ramai gadis cantik hari ini. Setiap kali diulang, setiap kali itulah peminat wanita atau pun mungkin ada juga peminat lelakinya yang akan menjerit.

Penyanyi ini juga lebih banyak berinteraksi bersama peminat menerusi rakaman visual percakapannya yang dipasang di skrin besar.

Dari segi vokal usah dipertikaikan sangat kerana rasanya semua sudah sedia maklum bahawa suara lelaki berusia 17 tahun itu yang boleh dikategorikan sekadar bolehlah menyanyi.

Memulakan persembahan menerusi lagu Love Me, si cilik berusia 17 tahun, membuatkan peminatnya histeria. Belum lagi ketika dia membuat reaksi wajah comelnya di pentas yang dapat disaksikan menerusi skrin besar oleh peminatnya.

Itu lagilah membuatkan peminatnya kehabisan suara akibat menjerit. Meneruskan nyanyian dengan lagu Bigger dan You Smile, aksi tarian Bieber juga dilihat biasa-biasa sahaja.

Tetapi bagi peminat fanatiknya, sememangnya apa sahaja yang dilakukannya terbaik bahkan sewaktu Bieber membuka jaketnya kerana kepanasan turut mengundang jeritan.

Mendendangkan lebih 10 buah lagu antaranya One Less Lonely, Somebody To Love dan Never Say Never, apa yang boleh dikatakan sepanjang lebih sejam menyaksikan konsert si comel kegilaan ramai ini tidak dapat dirasai klimaksnya.

Jika ada pun mungkin sewaktu dia membuat kejutan dengan menjemput penyanyi Good Charlotte, Joel Madden mendendangkan lagu I Dont Want Be In Love.

Menutup tirai konsert anjuran Tune Talk ini, Bieber tampil menyanyikan lagu popularnya Baby buat peminatnya. Jika dihitung konsert semalam, mungkin konsert Bieber hanya sekadar cukuplah sekali untuk disaksikan!.

agak agak lahh en ? hadoiiii .
kenapa pihak MEDIA perlu menulis bnde2 yg NEGATIVE ? itu lah , ini lahh . semua benda yg negatif itu akan menambahkan lagi 'benci' haters kat JUSTIN BIEBER yg sememangnya HEBAT !
korang jealous kott . concert dye sangat GEMPAK okey ! suara dye . tak best ? duhhh ~ tak dinafikan kalau suara dye tu ke laut . tapi tak lahh teruk mana punnn . biasa lahh tuu . dye PENAT . mmg dye PENAT mengelilingi dunia menghiburkan peminat setia dye . korang nie . haihhh .
dye tak cakap byk ? aku baru je cakap tadi . dye penat + tak berapa sihat . sbb tu lahh dye lebihkan menyanyi je . tapi dye cakap byk jugak lahhh . korang takk dengar sbb korang bukan kat ROCK ZONE . so , sbb tu korang tak dgr pe dye cakap .
so conclusion is , please lahh media . tulis je lahh benda yg POSITIVE okey ?
pape punn , im SORRY for every words that i said . (:


HAHA ! watch it here . jangan malas okey . g kat link tuuuu . n WATCH ! its freaking funny ! n CUTE !!! :D

Apr 22, 2011


OMB ! i cant believe its him ! finally , my dream come TRUE ! to see him LIVE with my naked eyes ! jyeahh !

kk . im chillin' . actually , i still feel that im in the stadium . all the screams . n stuff . AWESOME weyhh !

so , after school , aku terus siap . mandi n all . then , 3 o'clock . gerak from my house to tanamera cause need to fetch soniaa n her sis . after that , we straight go the stadium babehh !

around 4 , we reached there . smpai2 je , mmg rambang mata aku . cuz there's so many bieber's stuff . i spent for like RM55 like that lahh . i bought concert tag , button , night light , n the original bieber's 'gelang getah' . RM30 u know ! damn mahal . but it worth it :D tu je kott aku beli . i was supposed to buy a tshirt . but then , no more money edi . haha . too bad . its ok lahh . the baju can find anywhere whattt . ngeeee .

after shoping , we find for the entrance . im in the yellow zone . RM288 . heeeee . so , when we're in the yellow zone , pergghh . line dh agak pnjang ar . then , we cepat2 get into the line . it was freaking hot under the sun . then suddenly , got air menitik . i looked up , n "haihh , its gonna rain." we didn't bring any payung okey . so , 'berbasahan' lahh kat situ . BUT then , TUNE TALK gave us one plastic baju hujan each . coooool :D our penyelamat . hehehe .

around 5 something , the gate dh bukak . so , we all can enter . beratur lahh . there's actually 2 line . i took my firiends to this one line cuz tak ramai org kat situ . then , i feel very curious u know . pastu aku tnye ar bro crew tuu , ape beza line tu ngan line ni . then he said , "one line for airasia tix , one more is ticketpro tix ." i was lining on the airasia but my tix was ticketpro . wth . then we keluar from the line n selit2 to the ticketpro line . okeyyy . lucky nothing happen . ngeeee .

then , they wanna check us . check our bag n stuff . guess what ? WATER cannot bring inside . they asked us to finish it . i just throw it away -.-' . n they rampas my night light ! urrgghhhhhhhh . whatever lahhh .

after that , we went inside n find for seats . quite good view lahh we had . then , we waited for like 2 hours like that .

8o'clock sharp . Misz Nina was performing songs including her best hit , 'what you're waiting for' . we all enjoyed the song . sang along with her . fun .

pstu , there's countdown . 15 minutes more . -.-' butttt , there's this one DJ like hiburkan us . feel like im in a club . the songs he played was cool lahh . clubbing babehh . haha . *bukannye dapat rasa punn en . sekali sekala . ape salahnye . haha !

k then , 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 . dry ice all over the stage . n very LOUD 'suspens' background music . the beliebers dh macam kena histeria . including me . i freaked out ! LOL . then , LOVE ME song berkumandang . AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH JUSTINNNNNNN !!! I LOVE YOUUUUU JUSTINNNNNNNNNN ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! k dh . melebih . he started to sing . wearing his 'purple white' baju . n it was awesome .

after the love me song , it was BIGGER . enjoyed it ! sang along with him . fun . :D after he sang that song , he said something . like

"what's up malaysia ?!!!"
"welcome to MY WORLD ."
"Im really glad to be here ."
"Glad to have so many supportive fans here ."
"You guys ready to have some fun tonight ?!"
"Do you know that I have the BEST FANS in the world?"
"and I would do anything"
"to see you smile ."
"because when you smile ,"
"wait . wait wait wait ."
"when U SMILE ! ,"

the crowd answered , "I SMILE!" .

" I SMILE (: "

histeria again . its my fav song lahhh ! he started singing . n as usual . his voice is awesome . i love it when he 'lenggok-lenggokkan' suara dia . sgt sedapppp ! k . after the song , light goes off kejap . pstu justin n his dancers were ready with their chair for RUNAWAY LOVE ! besttt siott !

then he said something .

"I was wondering"
"Do you pretty girls want me to slow down for you"
"Should i slow it down n get different kind of mood"
"I think i should bring out my guitar"
"what do ya think?"

k then , he brought he's guitar with him up the stage to perform acoustic version of NEVER LET YOU GO and FAVOURITE GIRL . i tell u . melted weyhh . his guitar skills , cool , awesome , fantastic . then the light goes off again . then , he asked the audience , who is single here ? i wonder who is lonely . bhahaha . histeria lagi . so then , he sang ONE LESS LONELY GIRL ! omb , u guys know what ? for like every tour , bila lagu one less lonely girl je , the fans go wild ! sebab ? sebab there will be one damn lucky fan will be on the stage n justin will sing to her that song ! n layan her nicely . she got a flower . not fair . but its ok . she's lucky ! :D

then , the light goes off again . at this moment , he's changing his baju . sementara dia tgah tukar baju tuu , kteorg dihiburkan dgan video justin mse kecik2 n vid lain2 dye lahh . diiringi lagu STUCK IS THE MOMENT . sgt cute . n sgt best .

then , dia keluar ngan baju + jaket merah . sgt cool . performing SOMEBODY TO LOVE + NEVER SAY NEVER . alone . without usher or jaden smith . we're expecting them to perform . k pape je . JUSTIN ALONE IS ENOUGH . :D

lepas tuuu , backup singer perform remix . lagu rihanna , taio cruiz , bruno mars n i can't remember what else . then , justin sang ONE TIME pulakk ! awesome ! the song that i fell in love with him at the very first . 

after performing that , justin was like introducing his dancers one by one . the dancers punn ape lagi . tunjuk skills ar en . then , bila semua dh tunjuk , dorang was like , " go justin , go justin , go justin " . asking justin to show his skills . the first thing he did was moon walk . DAMN AWESOME ! :D love it . then he danced lahh . pstu , dia g kat DJ n use that dj thingy . after that , to the drums ! he showed his awesome skills ! talented gila lahh budak nie ! bestttttt .

after the drum , he said something lagi which is ,

"it so HOT here"
"and there's a lot of pretty girls"

tu je yg aku igt . haha . then he started singing EENIE MEENIE ! alone jugakkk . tpi besttt . ngeeee .

then , he sat on the stage's stairs n said 

"aite guys . i feel better doing something special for my fans"
"so tonight , i need everybody to bare your hands . . . . and pray"

and he sang PRAY . best gila . kteorg semua nyanyi sama2 . kan lagu tu slow , so bila dh habis lagu tuu , he said . .

"thank you very much"
"Have a good night !"

i was like , dh habes ? screen punn dah tulis , thank you . have a good night . wth ? then the crowd , including me , was like "we want more . we want more , we want more" . pstu justin keluar balik n asked us

"U guys want more ?"
"are you sure ?"

"yeaaaahhhhhhhh !"

then dye panggil dancers dye .

"what song u guys want ?"


then he maked a joke . korang tengok sendiri lahh kat youtube .  :D sgt bestt . haha . kelakar n cute masa lullaby tuuu . awwww . miss that !

ouhhh ! when he sang baby , he JUMP OFF the STAGE ! mmg gilaaaa okey ! he's enjoyed it ! LOVE YA BIEBS ! :D heeeeee .

lepas dh habes tuuu , i tanye soni what time is it . then she said its 10.30 . 10.30 ? biar betikkk . aku rasa macam baru SATU MINIT okey ! concert tu for about 1 and a half hour .

at 10.41 , @justinbieber tweeted "the show must go on ! Great show out in the RAIN in MALAYSIA!! Crowd was incredible and it was HOT !!!!

ouhh . u guys know what ? SELENA GOMEZ , his gf was behind the stage . awww . y she didn't come up ?! i really wanted to see her . she's my idol too ! :'(  hmmmmmm .

k lepas dh habes tuu , kelaur from stadium lahh en . bapak sesak dohhh ! i can't breath ! squisy . haha . then we jalan n jalan n jalan looking for soniaa's dad . haha . aku rasa we're like walking for 1 hour . woahh ? haha . mmg penat gila lahh . but its fun n kinda worth it . :D ngeeeee .

then , uncle bawak kteorg makan nasi lemak kat jalan 222 , kelana jaya . pernah dgr ? tmpt tu agak pack . then , ucnle hantar aku balik . heeee . tu je lahh kotttt . dh cukup pnjang kann ? heeeee .

im gonna read this again sooner or later . It was the most unforgetable moments in my LIFE ! :D


Apr 20, 2011


"the next stop on the tour seems ready. MALAYSIA ! Leggo !"

that's what he said ! awwwwww . im so happy !

we're waiting for you justin . LOVE YOU !


Apr 19, 2011

2 more days (:

2 More Days !

for what ?

duhhhh ~ JUSTIN BIEBER MY WORLD TOUR LIVE IN KL lahh ! weeeee . tak sabar . can't wait . its the same thing -.-'

haha . i can't believe finally i can see my idol with my naked eyes ! in front of me . ! L I V E ! whoaaa . what ever lahhh . post nie nk countdown je punnn . ngeeee .


Apr 18, 2011

someone is in LOVE .

who could it be ?

she's Iera Afzu . she's my junior . ceyhhh . knew her from debate . n yeahhh . she's the one who seriously in LOVE ! :D

i can't believe dohh . but yeahh . normally , it'll be like this . mula2 , denying . then , lama2 . suka sayang cinta . (:  "Love is a beautiful thing" bak kata mira mat luwi . haha .

the thing is , with who ? u guys igt 'mamat teknik' ? yg aku tergila gilakan sekejap tuu ? DULU ye . sekarang tidak lagiii . well , he's the one .

biebs , she's doing all the research bout him . its the proof that she seriously into that guy . just wish they have a chance to be together .

sis , don't give up . all the best aite ;)


Apr 17, 2011

Justin Bieber : Never Say Never 3D !

OMB ! that movie is AWESOMEEEE weyhhh !

kk , kul 9.30 , aku gerak with dad dari puchong g tanamera . soni's house . cuz nk fetch dye ngan sis . then , together gerak to e@curve . my dad drop us there .

we're one of the earliest to reach there . LOL . dh lahh all of us first timer g stu . haha . mmg creepy . but its fun .

mula2 , kteorg cari cathay cineplex . bila dh jumpa , turun g lepak kat mcd jap . cuz kteorg nk buat 'A4 poster' message to give to JBM (justin bieber malaysia) . then later dorang akan compile it into a scrapbook n pass it to JUSTIN BIEBER during his concert ! whoaaa ! haha :D

n nie ade vid where soni snap mse tgah lepak2 tu . ngeeeee .

then , 11 o' clock kteorg mkan . kat mcd . chicken mc deluxe . nyummmm . c(: pstu , around 12 kteorg naik balik g cineplex tuu . waiting for jbm . cuz dorang yg pgg tix . suddenly . i saw Justin Bieber ! i snapped pix with him . soni also joined .

haha ! i know . its only a stand . BUT STILL ! its bieber ! it seems REAL okey ! believe me . seriously ! k . i'll shut up . heee . 

then , after snap pix with him , we meet clara . one of the jbm's admins . ooohhhh . finally , i met her . she's nice . (:

then , went in the theather , collect our 3D glasses , n sit . cool . the glasses is so cool . yea , i know . kinda jakun . cuz its my first 3D movie ever . n its Never say Never . cool huh ? ngeeee . check this out .

LOL . advantages of entering the hall early . u can even snap pix in there . haha . k whatever . (:

omb omb omb ! the movie was incredibly awesome ! u guys should go n watch it ! 3D . like seriously . damn cool lahh weyh ! its like , im there . n the concert in that movie was wow ! i wonder how it gonna be this thursaday :D can't waitttt ! heeeee .

ohhh . there's one part of the movie , when he was performing one less lonely girl part , there will be a lucky girl on stage . i was like crying . cuz . its like . . . Oh my biebs .

then , when he's performing down to earth with the piano . i tell u , its amazing . perfect ! aahhhhh ! i dunno what else to say . its a wonderful day today . alhamdulillah .


Apr 16, 2011

JOZAN best gila !

woot ! best en ? aku sukaa dohh . minat jozan sgt2 !

bout this week punya , mmg great . aku suka idea dorang about 'musical comedy' . original sgt . kalau org lain , sure dorang tukar lirik n what so ever . but this one is SUPERB ! good job jozan . keep it up !


Apr 14, 2011

Everybody , Somebody , Anybody and Nobody .

assalamualikum kum kum kum . . xD

k . hari nie , aku bagi korang satu story . ciplak dari mamat teknik <3 . heeeee . enjoy k . actually , story nie ade pengajaran . so . . . pndai2 lahh yerrrrr ;)

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done


Apr 13, 2011

Domo ! im obsessed -.-'

I Domo !


Debate , Final .

assalamualikum peeps !

wahhh . tadi , ade debate final round . tapiiii , aku takk masuk punn . haha . team aku smpai kat semi final je . kalau nk tauu cerita lebey2 . sila ke entri sebelum ni ye. ngeee . malas nk linkkan . sry . ;)

kk , so tadi , mmg tak msuk class . haihhh . dh 2 ari tak masuk class nie . pape je lahh . demi debate ! :D

pstu , tggu sir kat dewan . then blablabla . gelak2 n stuff . bila dewan dh buka , kteorg lepak dlam dewan . tggu budak sekolah lain . pstu , suddenly budak yg aku minat *but mnat kat nazirah tuu* masuk dewan . i was like 'he's here ! he's here !'  haha . dye dtg ngan team dye . team teknik sepang .

ohh ! ade one moment tu kann , kteorg suruh sorang budak KRS g amek gmbr budakk teknik tuu auu . tpi , dye g amek gmbr budak lainn ! -.-' haha . last2 , baru dye amek . COMEL okey !

then , after 1 hour quarantine , smk seri sepang n smk sg pelek pulakk msuk dewan . then they start to debate lahh . sg pelek yg mng ngan kteorg tuu , dh takk bersemangat dh -.-' tah pape . serious shit dohhh ! sorry sorry . but they're not sooo bad lahh . motion dorang "LUCNH NOT BREAKFAST SHOLD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY" . best ar tgok dorang debate (:   last last ,  seri sepang yg menang . weeeeee .

SMK SERI SEPANG no 1 . SMK SG PELEK no 2 . SMK PUTRA PERDANA (mine) ngan SMK BBST no 3 . SM TEKNIK SEPANG dpat sijil (:  . bestttttt .

k lahh . tu je nk gtauuu .


Apr 12, 2011

Special Entry #1 : Ahmad Zarin .

hottt takkk ?

tu lahh bf baru akuuu xD haha .

nmpk sgt menipuuu ! :p nme dye , Ahmad Zarin bin Zainudin . he's my cousin . tahun nie baru form 2 . baya adik akuuuu . seriously wehhh , tak sangka aku . h o t . just my type . ngeeeeee .

dye dh matured . not like my bro -.-' haihhhh . when lahh my bro gonna be like this ? k whatever .

im just so amazed with this pic . so cute . haha . shut up miraaaa ! k bye .


Happr Birthday Me ! :D

haha . mcm nmpk jea . k whatever . yg biru tuu , menandakan berapa org yg wish aku kat wall facebook . ramai dohhh . 87 org . tu baru sekarang . nnti tah brape byk lagi lahh -.-' but THANKS guys . eventhough korang wish saje2 je . ngeeee .

kat phone , 2 org je kott . haha . kila ngan kakyong . tu punn my czen . haha . skunk nie org wish pakai fb je . en ? dh majuuu lah katekan . free pulak tuu . bhahahaha .

kat sekolah pulakk , pagi2 mita ngan debate geng wish me . awww . thanks . (: pstu in the library bila meet sir , mell pulakk wish aku . then sir pulakk wish . pstu , start debate . sgt menakutkan . but dh lepas dhhh . :p

then, lepas debate dh habis , joey pulakk wish . thanks buddy . eventhough u know it from fb . haha . (:

next , petang , shern , soni n iz called me from smk usj 12 . using the public phone . haha . so sweet lahh u guyz ! thankssssss . iloveyou . <3

then , when i was typing this , my parents sang the happy birthday song to  me . thankssss . love ya ! :D


Debate time !

hello hye hi hey . (:

omb ! debate was AWESOME i tell u ! it was a damn good experience !

pagi2 lagi dh g librabry meet my debate team . mr taufeeq wants to talk to us . talking talking talking . then , we moved to the dewan . write our name all , then enter the hall . the feeling was something when we saw the stage was ready with table all . luckily , that 'set' is for the FINAL .

then , we waited in the dewan like 2 hours like that . ohh . i saw someone that i knew . she's aynaa zamuel . last time , we're in SMK USJ 12 . but now im representing SMK PUTRA PERDANA and she's with SMK TEKNIK SEPANG . n u know what ?  they're our first round opponent . wow rite ?

pstu , time to decide using coin . *flip the coin . mell didn't get to choose . so the teknik chose opposition . mell was actually crying cuz she really wants opposition . but , we get the government . which is im in . -.-'

then we go to the quarintine room . n do stuff . kteorg diberi masa 20 minits something like that . it was too short . n im freaking nervous .

then we're taken to the debate room . takde lahh besar sgt . sebesar kelas je . i can't tell you how i feel . then start talking n bla bla bla . the teknik team ar , semua LELAKI auu . kteorg , semua PEREMPUAN . ngeee . the 2nd speaker is CUTE <3 akmal something his name . mcm pernah nmpk muka dia . tak tau katne . but cuteee . :D haha .

then , when the judges were making decision , lama gilaaa . kteorg tggu cam org gilaaa . bila dorang dh dtg , bagi keputusan kat chaiperson then . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anandini got the BEST SPEAKER award . wow ! seriously . she's wayyyy better than we thought . ngeeee . then , the chairperson said . . . . . the  MOTION STANDS ! that mean , we WON !!!!! mell n dini was like shouting n exited . i was like guysss . stop it . haha .

beberapa minit pastu , kteorg dh kena ready for the second topic ! damn . we are not perfectly prepared like the first topic u know . pstu , when mell get to choose which side , she chose government cuz she's ready . but IM NOT ! :'( i'll hentam only .

we lawan SMK SG. PELEK . sgt pelikk . *jahat . but seriously lahh . ask me , n i'll tell u later y . ohhh . one more thing . they kept on telling that we're BAD ! Comenting on how we present . wtf ? they were supposed to DEBATE . not COMMENTING ! rite ? irritating dohhh . kalau sekali dua takpe arrr . nie , everytime they talk , they'll tell ! urggghhh . but im not denying . mmg we sucks punn . especially me . mell n dini was great .

u can tell already who won rite ? obviously sg pelek mng . -.-' BUT ! im relief n happy cuz we are done n dun have to like crazy pig crack our heads to prepare the 3rd topic yg belum start satu bende punn . ALHAMDULILLAH . its better than we kalah here than we kalah in the final . lagi memalukan . (: but pitty mira mat luwi ngan nazirah . dorang dh prepare gila2 . n takk ckap punn . sorry guys . but i've gave you the chance to speak . its ok . there's next year ;)

k lahhhhh . gtg . anyway , CONGRATS EVERYONE . n THANKS to SIR TAUFEEQ for everything .


Apr 11, 2011

Debate -.-'

hey there . long time never see you ! where have you been all this time ? actually, i miss you . :D

merepek ahhhh .

tadi baru balik dr umah sir . sir mne lgi en . sir taufeeq lahh . for what ? DEBATE obviously -.-' kteorg bncang and stuff . seriously , aku kesian giler kat sir dohh . otak dye cam dh nk burst . byk sgt berfikir . aku lahh yg slalu buat dye fikir cuz aku malas nk fikir -.-' jahat dohh aku . haha . first topic settle . second topic ok2 lah . but not as good as the first one .

and tommorrow is that thingy ! omb ! nervous siottt ! but tadi dh practice present kat 4science2 . sgt menakutkan . but i did it . im just worried about POI . that is point of information . booohoooo :'(

tommorrow is 12th april rite ? im not even exited bout that date where i usually will . k whatever .

just pray the best for my team kayh ? ohhh , nk tauu team kteorg ?

1st speaker - me
2nd speaker - anandini

1st speaker - Nazirah
2nd speaker - amirah mat luwi

3rd speaker for both sides is MELLISSA ! she's good man ! im gonna be proud of her .


Apr 10, 2011

Yesterday ,

All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe
In yesterday

I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday
Came suddenly

Why she
Had to go I don't know
She wouldn't say
I said
Something wrong now I long
For yesterday

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe
In yesterday

Why she
Had to go I don't know
She wouldn't say
I said
Something wrong now I long
For yesterday

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe
In yesterday

-yesterday, the beatles-

omb . jiwang siottt . but lagu nie sgt best . dgar kat perhimpunan ari tuu . sedapp . <3 and something just happened just now . k whatever . im single ;) haha .


3 in 1 .


how cool is that ? im damn exited weyhhh ! he's finally here in MALAYSIA to perform ! wow ! im one of his song's fans ! he is super sweet in his songs ! *why am i shouting ? k whatever .

his concert is tonight at PWTC . 10th APRIL 2011 . can't wait ! but too bad that im not going :'(  bhahahaha ! ilovehim lahh weyhhh . but i love BIEBER more . thats for sure . ngeeeeee .


so , im an 'ex-twealveans' . proud to be one . the best school ever ! heee . so , pagi2 lagi dh gerakk . kul 6.50 kott . ye lahh , from puchong nk g subang . agak jauh ar . but kteorg smpai kat skolah around 7.10 kott . cpat pulakk ? haha . maybe cuz takde jam . smooth je . heee .

bila smpai je , sume students je . my mom was like 'uh?' haha . ye lahh . event start kul 8.30 . we're already there at 7 something . then , she asked to go in first . bila tgah jlan jalan jlan . someone tegur me . it was IZYAN ! haha . miss her so much . kteorg jalan jap . *cuz tak tau nk g mne . haha . pstu aku nmpk pentas . i was like ' dh siapp ? ' wow . then izyan terangkan me how to naik n take the anugerah thingy .

pstu kteorg nk tggu mmber lagi dua org . ceyhh . biase lahh . all 4 of us got straight a's . best friends lahh katekan . study together n stuff . even untill now im still with them <3 . then bila mse tggu kat dpan tuu , ade sorang budak perempuan nie was like waving to us . haha . aku tak perasan tu SHERENA ! my bffffffff ! haha . hug her like crazy . then , soni was like lmbt sgt . so , we went daftar first . tulis nama n stuff . pstu g kat khemah , nmpk son . hug her like crazy oso . then , g teman dye daftar .

after that , we went to toilet . bapak ah . ade bumbung tambahan . i was like ' errrr ' ? when is that thing was there ? LOL . byk gila changes !

pstu , dok kat tmpat masing2 . me and soni was like far away . shern n iz was sitting together . not fair . haha . pstu ade ucapan n bla bla bla . gila lama org tu ckap . haha . membosankan . ohh . i was sitting beside zhan qian . miss him dohh . kteorg tak ckap byk punn . he was like playing games in the phone . i tgok jea . haha . layan je lahh . (:

after the persembahan , baru budak PMR punye time utk amek anugerah dorang . perrgghh . menakutkan . haha . serious nervous . smpai aku bow tak betul . -.-' lantakk ar . jnji dh lepas . :D i got anugerah for straight a's n best subject in agama islam . (: shern got staight a's , sijil pengetua , n best subject geografi . normal lahh for her :D iz n son gor for straight a's (:

bila dh amek anugerah , pe lagi . snap snap lahh en . parents said congrats n all . but aku satu gmbr punn takde . phone was in the bag at the chair . -.-' rugiiii ! but it was fun :D

pstu , makan . menu bestt plakk . nasi beriani bhaii ! haha . best best . tahun lepas nasi lemak je . but tahun ni dasyat . haha . sedapp . yg shiok nye en , ramai yg dh balikk . haha . tak ramai org . bgus . ngeeee .

then , balik .


aku smpai umah around 1.30 . dh penat + pening . actually , today kteorg ade friendly match ngan cyberjaya . but idk how , suddenly our manager , ceyhh . mita sms me said the mock tak jadi . sir was like pissed . kesian sir dohh . nie semua psal cyber nye cikgu . tetibe sakit pulakkk -.-' cari ar alternative lain en . haihhh .

they all in sir's house from 10am . i went there at 3 kott . time tu dorang tgah mkan . haha . aku tgok je lahh . n mkan wedges yg kak yati (sir's wife) buat sendiri . sedap . ouhh ngan meat ball yg sepatutnye dimakan ngan pasta . but too bad that im still full that time . haha .

so , kteorg bincang2 n stuff . then balikk . -the end-

*best takk bce pnjang2 ? haha . chill lahh . lgipun aku dh lme tak update en . thanks anyway (:


Apr 7, 2011

Layan Lestary : Asmara TV3 .

hello peeps .

nmpk en gmbar kat atas uhh ? its a drama . actually drama ni dh ade smbungannye . asmara 2 yg sedang dimainkan untuk slot lestary buat mse nie .

asmara 1 ni , taon lepas . aku terlepas beb . tak follow . sbb igtkan tak best . haha . tapi , ternyata aku silap . asmara nie best sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt ! i just realised this thing when i started watching asmara 2 . pergghh . best lahh weyhh !

aku malas nk cerita . but . mmg best . trust me . sweet sgt2 budak asmara nie yg dilakonkan oleh SHAHZ JASZLE . aku tak berape suka sgt ngan mamat nie suatu ketika dahulu . ceyhh . haha . but now , he's one of my fav actor in malaysia . ngeeeee . dlam drama nie dye sweet sgt sgt . tak caya nnti tgok .

oh oh ! kalau ade korang korang yg terlepas asmara 1 nie mcm aku jugakk , korang buley tgok kat sini - . enjoy . heee .


Apr 6, 2011

Justin Bieber ?

HOT rite ? but . .  that's not JUSTIN BIEBER .

now this is the real BIEBER !

but then , who's that up there ? jeng jeng jeng ! ;)

its Dani Shay ! she's the 'justin bieber look alike' . like seriously . mmg sme punn ! cool right beliebers ? jgan salah sudahhh . :D

here's a bit about her . Dani Shay, a 22-year-old Florida native who says she’s never even heard of the Biebs because she “doesn’t watch much television”. Shay’s been raided by JB fans in shopping malls because she looks so much like the infamous hair-swooper!

oh oh ! check this out . you'll not believe ur eyes at some part . she seriously look like JB ! omb !


Apr 5, 2011

Kak Limah ade facebook !

enjoy :D got it from .

kalau tak nmpk , click untuk lebih jelas .
kalau nk lagi jelas , g kat blog yg aku dh linkkan tu .
Bhahahahhahahaha !


Apr 4, 2011

Usop Wilcha !

haha ! seiously dohh . usop wilcha from hantu kak limah balik rumah mmg klakar giler smlm kat ABPBH 2010 ! johan punn cute . haha . funnyfunny !

mmg aku tabikkk ar kat dorang . tak tahan aku gelak semalam . mmg kaww kaww . haha .

aku sukaaa ! sayang usop wilcha (usop wheelchair) !


Apr 3, 2011

They will never have a BF or GF ? REALLY ?

kesha ? OMB ! haha .

harry potter ^.^'

ron -.-'

idk who . but he's hot !

idk who again.

this is from american idol rite ? forgot his name -.-'

dk who . but hot .

taylor swift !wowww  (:

big changed ;)


aahhhh ! sweetheart ! JD 

Leonardo ?

eminem ?

justin timberlake ? idk :|

so peeps , the moral value of the story is , don't judge a book by its cover ! tak sangka aku dohhhh . it's soooo COOLIO ! :D    johnny depp
