
Feb 24, 2013

Peter and Jane

Assalamualaikum . Heyy buddy . LOL

Peter and Jane huh ?

Recalled it now ? Hmmm , I don't know whether you guys know who's Peter and Jane . But for me , they're my memories .

Peter and Jane is an english learning book that have a bunch of series . Arranged by their difficulties . They have some sort of level kind of thing . So yeahh , i guess P n J is my first ever english book .

When I was in my kindergarten days in C.E.C (Child Enrichment Centre) USJ , we all have this session of reading . Teacher will call us one by one and read this book to her . She'll guide us . So when we finished the first book which is very easy with just one or two words a page , we'll move on to the next book ! Which will then be harder and harder with lots of words n smaller fonts . haha . We'll learn new words every level which improved our vocab .

Well , they're sweet memories . Because of them , my english is quite good now . At least people will understand when I speak . Thanks to Peter and Jane ! It's a nice book y'know . As you can see , they have a page of words and a page of illustrations . Their storyline is quite intresting too . For a 5-6 years old , of course . LOL .

Parents and teachers should introduce P n J to kids so that when they grow up , they can speak proper english . Im not saying my english is superb . It's just a freaking english that people can understand . LOL . I just can't stand it when people speaks broken english proudly . Like it's a proper english . Oh god , why am I talking rubbish -.-'

I guess i'll stop now .


Feb 23, 2013

Addicted - iPhone 4

Assalamualaikum .

Hey guys ! wazzzzzup ?!

MY iPhone 4 is here . Hehe . Well yeahhhh , i just bought an iPhone 4 ! second-hand je . But still . . hehe . not gonna brag .

Hell no ! I will ! hahaha . be jealous people ! LOL . takdelah . .

Can't believe it's really MY phone . i mean , mine officially . bukan turun temurun punya . kesian kan ? skrg baru dpt merasa beli phone sendiri . dulu guna yg passed down je . And now , i have my VERY own phone ! The best part is . . bought it with my OWN MONEY ! I freaking worked for it okay . Bukan free free .

Ohh , a super BIG THANKS to my bro sbb dia top-up duit tu . duit aku bukannya cukup pun . 81.25% duit aku n 18.75% duit abg kesayangan  akuuu . LOL i actually calculate it -.-' hehe . He's being sweet y'know . Sbnrnya dia nk iPhone 4 tu sbb agak murah en . But then , dia mengalah kat adik dia yg comel ni . kihkihkih . thanks abg ! sayaaaaaang kau .

Before that , kenapa aku nk sgt iPhone ni ? Entah lah . sbb aku nk lah kot ? HAHA . sbb aku nk access apps2 yg cool gilaaaa maybe . And it's super worth it . Sekarang ni aku addicted to Wattpad ! Wattpad , tak tau ?

It's sort of like an e-novel made by people all around the world . Even you can make one . I knew this from MIRA luwi . Tapi time tu aku selalu bukak Wattpad pakai lappy je . Mmg leceh gila lah nk membaca through lappy . I've always dreamed of having a smartphone then boleh baca bila2 masa . And it came true ! NEVER SAY NEVER ! hehe .

Mmg semenjak pakai iPhone ni , asyik melekat je kat tangan . Aku selalu , i mean SELALU bukak Wattpad . Even time kerja . bila free je lahh . hehe . sbb senang nk baca kan . best pulak tu . Aku suka baca FanFiction . OMG , like best gila . mcm true story but it's not . just a fiction . sekarang aku addicted on reading Louis Tomlinson's fiction . I love him maaaaan ! Can't get enough . Aku stop bila nk charge je . LOL .

Ohh , iPhone confirm2 susah nk jaga kaaaan ? Ya Allah , harap2 nothing will happen to my babyboo . InsyaAllah takde . And semua apps tu boleh bukan with an internet connection je kan ? Aku takde internet-plan . Maknanya boleh bukak bila ade wi-fi je . LOL . takpe , kat rumah n kat nursery ade wi-fi . Tempat lain , hmmmmm control my desire to on that phone . kalau tak , melambung bill weyy . haha .

P/s : Dgr cerita , Mr.G pun guna iPhone 4 ? Dia dpt hari ni , aku dpt esoknya pulak tu . Ohh , kitaorg mmg sehati sejiwa . LOL .


Feb 21, 2013

One Way Or Another

Im gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha 1D !

Perfect , adorable , funny , cute , cheecky , hot , everything . Omg . Been waiting for this quite long . Bila dah released , pergghhhh . AWESOME !

The song itself dah best gila . It's a cover of blondie . To be honest , 1D's version is wayyyyyyy better . Tambah ngan video yg sempoi . Mmg terbaikkk ah . Lagipun benda ni for charity . Bagus lah . Hmm .

Louis is so handsome n flawless in this . Well , he is all the time ! hehe xD Then zayn mcm biasa , hot . Liam , hmmmmm . . can see the other side of him . Harry kelakar n comel je . Nialler . Muka serious blur tapi comel semua scene dia . Mcm bebudak .

Ohh ! and i love that dance depan someone's house tu . Louis did it with a passion . cool gila . He's a good dancer though .

Aku tak tau nk cakap ape lagi . haha . Word can't explain my feelings :p

Anyway , LOVE YOU LADS !


Feb 15, 2013

Takkan Berhenti Berharap

Pe benda yg berharapnya ni ?

LOL , before that , Assalamualaikum . jwb lerrr . hee .

Lama tak update kaaan ? Maklumlah , makkk busy . haha .

So , back to the topic . aku berharap ape ni ? Kekasih gelap ? puihhh . takda masaaaaa ah . *bajet je* haha . Takdelah , permohonan UPU kan dh bukak . Bila dh bukak , aku apply laaaaah . Bila dh apply , mesti lah kita berharap . kaaan ?

So yeahh . Aku rasa korang tau , kita boleh apply for 8 course . Tapi , aku apply 5 je . kenpa ? cuz i have my own reason ? LOL .

1. UPNM - Asasi Pengurusan & Strategi Pertahanan
2. UTM - Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah
3. UiTM - Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah
4. UM - Asasi Alam Bina
5. UPSI - Diploma Sains (Matematik)

That's my choices . aku serious tak tau nk pilih ape yg lain . Aku skrg ni mmg fokus n berharap gila on the 2nd one . But before that , biar aku story satu2 knapa aku pilih lima2 tu .

First of all , UPNM . At first mmg aku nk focus on this one . Mmg dh ready lah kononnya nk jadi askar bagai . haha . Tapi bila difikir-fikirkan balik , mcm susah je nk masuk UPNM dgn keadaan aku yg tak berapa nk askar sgt ni . gemok . that's it . Ye lah , nk masuk U ni ade interview for about a week ? Mmg during that period dorang  akan uji korang best2 . My mom said that her friend told her interview tu nnti , ade lah kena lari dlm masa yg ditetapkan . tolonglaaaaah , nk lari 100m kat sekolah dulu pun aku tercungap-cungap . Ni , lagi laaaah -.-' These things made me think twice . Sbb tu aku beralih arah . Tapi seriously , katakanlah aku dpt interview tu , then pass lah pulak . Aku akan buat betul2 . Cuz this choice is kinda my mom's n my grandma's hope . Dorang nk sgt aku masuk UPNM , jadi asakar . Ibu ckp sbb kerja nnti senang , habis belajar terus ade kerja . Wan pulak nk salah sorang cucu dia jadi mcm atok . Askar . Bila dia ckp "Kalau dpt , kau jgn tolak ye" Aduh , sayu je dgr .

But as i said , tak confident boleh dpt . apply je lah . mana tau rezeki . who knows ? hehe . So , to my 2nd choice . UTM - Town planning . hmmm , why ? Actually , sebelum aku decide nk jadi askar dulu , aku ade berhasrat nk jadi architect -.-' puihh . haha . tapi tu pun aku tak confident sbb aku rasa aku tak creative -.-' Architect kan design2 . Aku takut aku tak boleh handle nk pecah otak design bangunan . haha . Benda tu mcm focus on buildings n designing . Then , aku jumpa town planning . Which is in the same faculty kot ? Tapi , town planning ni bidang dia luas sikit . Creative tu mmg perlu . but at least it's more to planning . Then aku ade baca blog student town planning kat UTM . mcm best je ? Lagipun , peluang pekerjaan dia luas . Byk lah jugak . So far , im hoping on this . Kita merancang je kaaan ? Allah yg menetukan . Pray for me guys .

Ehh , UiTM pun ade town planning apaaa . Mmg laaah . tapi UiTM ade interview ! leceh aaaaah -.-' Kalau boleh aku nk UTM . Memilih pulak . haha . Tak kisah lah . Janji Town Planning .

Next , UM - Asasi Alam bina ? Serious ? hmmm , ni mcm my back-up plan kot ? haha . sukahati je . Takdelah , kalau dh tak dpt diploma , asasi pun jadi lah . at least lepas dh habis asasi ni , aku boleh apply Digree on town planning . sama je kot ? tapi asasi susah laah . But , UM tuuuu . gila nk tolak ? haha . tapi , yg ni pun ade interview -.-' lecehh ! haha .

Lastly , UPSI - Diploma Sains (Matematik) . Mana dtg ni ? hahaha . ni pun back-up plan kot ? Kalau dh tak dpt nk jadi askar , tak dpt jadi town planner , jadi cikgu je lah . UPSI kan known as a U to be a teacher . LOL . eh , mulia ape jadi cikgu . Aku amik math sbb minat . i LOVE math :p betul laaah .

So , sbb tu lah aku pilih LIMA je . Lagipun , aku tick 'TIDAK' to "Adakah anda bersetuju utk menerima tawaran lain selain pilihan2 di atas?" Mmg aku taknak offer lain . i mean , aku tak rasa aku boleh coop ngan course lain . takut tak masuk . Again , That's y aku hope gila on UTM . Ya Allah , makbulkan permintaan aku ini . Amin .

LOL . kelakar gila . result tak keluar lagi dh gelabah . Tah2 , result aku tu tak layak nk masuk IPTA punnn . Subhanallah . InsyaAllah dapat , amin .


Feb 8, 2013

Friends For Life

"The cirlce will never end , just know that we'll meet again ."

I found that when i was on youtube earlier . Guess what ?

Bila dgr n hayati lagu tu , aku tetiba teringat kat seseorang . . it's you , Shirah .

"True friends stab you in the front"

Oh god , i miss her so effing much . How can i not miss her ? After 2 years of seeing each other for like every single day at school , n now we have no more school . Dah lama gila tak jumpa . A month maybe ? LOL , baru a month dah rindu . acano ni ? bwk dia masuk poket . eh , tak muat . HAHA xD

I admit , mmg baru2 ni aku bengang gila ngan minah sorang ni . Malas lah nk cerita balik . buat sakit hati jeeeee . Tapi , yg buat aku sakit hati ni lah yg paling aku sayang . Sakit tu sekejap je . Lama2 dia hilang jugak . Benda kecik je pun . Aku yg emo lebih . Aku , takkan tak kenal ? Mmg agak baran :p hehe . But seriously , ape yg dia buat tu pun tak patut sbnrnyaaa . Dah laaah , tak mau marah2 dah .

So , dah 2 minggu lebih aku tak contact dia just because of that incident . Eh , dia pun tak contact aku okeeeyy ? Blerghh-  Alaaaah , lagipun dua2 busy . cari makan lah katakaan :p haha .

Pssstttttttttt ! Aku tau kau baca ni . takyah nk senyum2 sgt laaah . Baik kau contact aku cepat . LOL .


Feb 1, 2013

Special Entry #6 : Syazwan Aiman

*strictly reminded !
He's taken by me .
Hell no . By Lynn Dalila ;)

Hot kaaan ? -.-' untunglaaah . Anyway , special entry kali ni . . why him ? LOL . It's his birthday today . Aku tak tau pun sbrnya . Mr. Facebook yg bgitau . haha . So . . .

Happy 18th Birthday weyy !

Actually , aku dah lama nk buat special entry pasal mamat ni . I don't know why . Maybe sbb dia ni lain kot ? entah laaah . korang ah decide .

Aku tak tau cne kitaorg boleh jadi 'kenalan' . kawan ah . haha . Masa baru2 masuk sekolah tu , masa aku form 4 , notice jugak si aiman ni . Ye lahh , budak 'hot' en . Lagipun , dia member fath , my classmate . Buddy lah jugak . Time tu , aku igt si Aiman ni budak bajet hot yg sombong gila nk mam . That year , kitaorg tak pernah bercakap langsung . Tegur-menegur lagi ah . Senyum-menyum pun takde . biase je . Mcm jumpa stranger . mcm tu laaah .

But last year , masa aku form 5 . Fath pernah bagitau aku that "Aiman ckp kau mcm Nad" kat aku ngan member lain ah . I was like "Aiman noticed aku ? LOL" Then ade satu hari ni , I was alone during recess . Duduk kat depan pusat sumber . Kalau aku pndang atas , boleh nmpk bilik kauseling . Si aiman ngan Fath ni PRS . Mmg Bilik kaunseling tu port dorang ah .

So on that day , aku duduk makan dpn PSS tu then pndang atas . Then i saw fath . He was busy menghadap bilik kaunseling tu . Then si Aiman , tetiba wave excitedly dgn dua tangan . *Mcm mintak help from a heli* towards me . Dengan senyum lebarnya . Then aku pndang ah belakang . Kot kot ade org lain ke en . But then , it was just me . So , aku pun wave je lah balik awkwardly . LOL . serious tak boleh blah . Hati aku was like "eh , mamat ni betul ke wave aku ni ? Tah2 dia igt org lain" Im pretty sure dia igt aku org lain . Ye lah , takde angin , takde ribut tetiba nak friendly ngan aku pehal ?

Lepas insiden wave tu , buat tak tau je laaah . Then kebetulan , masa balik sekolah hari tu aku pergi bilik guru . Tunggu kat luar tu . Bila tgok bawah , nmpk fath ngan aiman lalu . Then fath asked me something which i can't remember . Dia tanya aku buat ape kot . Then aku pndang aiman . Dia senyum je . Then said "Bye~" . Aku jawab lah . "Bye" awkwardly again . pelik kot . Budak hot tegur aku . sblm ni mana ade . dlm mimpi pun takde . Haha . From there , my thought of him saying that dia sombong tu dh hilang . Dia friendly sbnrnya .

So since that day , everytime aku nmpk dia and dia nmpk aku , tak kisah lah ade org ke tak , confirm dia tegur "Hi~" yg mengada punya version . Dgn senyum meleretnya . haha . friendly lah tuuu ? Aku pun melayan je laaah . Dgn jelingan pelik sekali aku bagi . haha . saje je buat tu :p

I called him Mr. Hi . Mmg tu pun trademark kitaorg . Jumpa , Hi~ . Jumpa Hi~ Then blaaah . LOL . Terpikat ? haha . ade lah sikit xD sikit je punn . aku tak sangka org mcm dia sudi tegur aku . mmg dari dua sekolah yg aku pernah pergi , dua2 lain . Org2 kat sini tak pilih bulu sgt . Dia layan je semua org . But tak semua . Some of them je .

Pstu kaaan , Satu hari ni aku terkantoi sendiri ngan dia yg aku ade crush kat mmber dia sorang ni . Tak sengaja okeyyy . Terkantoi , nk wat cne . Then from that day , bila nmpk crush aku then aku asyik pndang je , aiman nmpk , terus dia senyum "mengejek" . like teasing me laah . He's so sweet . Aku boleh nmpk usaha dia nk kenalkan aku ngan member dia tu . Tapi usaha mengacau pun aku boleh nmpk . saje je nk buat aku malu -.-' Contoh , time rehat , i was with my friends at this one table . Then , Mr Crush ni ade kat meja yg berdekatan . Mmg posisi baik utk mengusha . LOL . Tetiba aiman muncul . Bila dia nmpk aku , dia g cuit2 si Mr.Crush tu -.-' aduhhh MALU LAH GILA . Tapi best . HAHA . Then , time graduation hari tu , dia yg setkan so that aku boleh bergambar ngan mr.Crush . Actually , dorang dua tgah sibuk amik gmbar . Then , dia panggil aku join sekali . you can read them here . But , Mr.Crush ni semua sejarah je . time sekolah dulu . yeke ? i have no idea . Then ade time ni masa aku kerja kat CS , He was the first person yg aku kenal yg aku jumpa kat CS . Mula2 dia buat dunno . Then , bila nk keluar tu , he said "Hi ~" then went off . LOL .

But yeahh , sweet kan dia punya effort tu ? Aku anggap aiman mcm abg sendiri daaah . Aku harap lepas ni kau still sudi nk tegur aku . haha .


Semoga Berkekalan

 Beto Kusyairy  Tisha Shahar 

Happy  5th  Anniversary !

Wow , it's my Mr. Beto's n his wife's anniversary . Dh 5 tahun dohh . Alhamdulillah .

To Abg Kusyairy , Congratz cuz berjaya mempertahankan rumah tangga abg selama 5 tahun ni n insyaAllah , smpai ke Syurga . To Kak Tisha , i know it's hard for you to have a husband yg digilai oleh ramai aweks2 kat luar tu termasuk mira jugak xD But dun worry , we're not more than just a supporter :D Kitaorg tau abg beto tu hak mutlak akak . ceyhh . Kalau kitaorg terlebih2 tu , sorry kay . Gurauan manja n main2 je tuu :')

Just to let u guys know , Mira syg korang dua . *I know you'll never read this but hey , NEVER SAY NEVER ! ;)



True Friends
stab you in the

- Oscar Wilde -
