
Sep 24, 2014

Broga Hills Expedition

Omg hye!

Assalamualaikum hihi.

Bapak ahhhhh! Sumpah lama gila aku abandoned blog aku ni hahaha. My last post was from June omg! Well, i guess you can tell that i was very very very busy this sem. Sumpah busy memanjang. That is one thing, satu lagi of course lah sbb malas. Dengan internet ciputnyaaaa dlm bilik ni. Kau igt aku nak update? Haha. But everything was ordinary though. Unless korang nak baca my rant about this sem, then mohon lah aku update.

But right now, aku nak story pasal my freaking experience naik BROGA HILLS! Wohoooooo! I mean, Alhamdulillah... hihi.

I went with my coursemates. Sbnrnya for some of them, this is their second time. Masa dorang pergi last sem, aku 'ditinggalkan' kahkah. Sedih kan? But that had past and I already got over it. And the important thing is this sem aku dapat ikut! Yayyy! I understand, haritu punya tak plan pun cuz they just go with the flow. This sem pun sama sbnarnya. Mana ade plan sgt pun. Aku cuma dgr khabar angin je. And it happened!

So on the night of 23rd of september kitaorg keluar from KSJ sbb curfew is at 12AM. So kitaorg keluar awal sbb nak naik Broga pepagi buta. Janji pukul 10:30, but 10:30 baru lah bebudak tu nak pergi amik kereta bagai -.-' Terpaksa lah aku and the others lepak and tunggu dorang kat outdoor gym for like 35 minutes. Sambil2 tu warm up la konon. haha poyo.

There were fifteen of us. Aku, Amanda, Leeza, Lily, Nisa, Acap, Syahmi, Aiman, Zaie, Syakir and Afiq. Then ade 4 juniors. Nabihah, Mazrien, Hani and Fina. Yup, 9 girls and 6 guys. Kitaorg drive 3 kereta. Satu kereta manda, then dua lagi kereta sewa kot? Entah. So i was with Leeza, Lily, Syakir and Acap drive kereta manda. Manda teman Nisa naik ngan Zaie and Aiman with sorang junior. Bihah kott. Yeahh, then the other car, Syami drive bawak anak2. hewhew :>

Dlm kereta sumpah sakai. Membahan je kerja. Pastu aku ngan Lily berkaraoke free. Lantak ahh. Kisah pulak kitaorg haha. So, the first destination kononnya nak pergi uptown Danau, nak beli flashlight. But too bad it was closed. Dah tutup tu, takkan nak melongo pulak en? So kitaorg straight went to Ampang, amik Afiq kat rumah dia. Pastu terus gerak g Bukit Ampang! hehe. Seram jugak lah jalan dia tu cuz takde lampu. But kat atas was very nice! Ade orang meniaga kat lereng2 bukit tuuu. Sepanjang-panjang jalan ade gerai. So kitaorg lepak at one of those kedai, order minum and enjoy the view. SubhanaAllah.... It was amazing. I mean, seeing the view of the urban city... I mean the lights... It was beyond AMAZING! Dah lah sejuk gilaaaa kat atas tu. At that time it was around 12:30AM kot. Lampu KLCC semua dah tutup. Nampak lampu kelip2 je. Jadi laaaa, daripada nothing en. But honestly, best gila kat atas tu. Nyaman sangat! :D

Aku, Syahmi, Lily, Acap and Afiq had a great convo. Talked about studio and all those 'studio' jokes lol. 'Open Toilet' which stands for semak samun utk dijadikan toilet. Si acap and syahmi punya idea nak letak dalam layout hahaha bongok. Kelakar gila laaa bila teringat balik LOL. So yeahhh, lepas Afiq dah bayarkan our drinks, aku ngan Lily g naik atas sikit to reach the other gang yang tengah makan char kuey teow and some other stuff. Sbnrnya nak ajak dorang gerak cuz Syahmi kata tak boleh lama kat atas tu sbb nak kena smpai Broga around 3:30AM.

Lepas dah settle, kitaorg gerak from Bukit Ampang to Uptown Shah Alam. Lalu Puchong sikit. hihi. Mmg jalan aku laa tu. lol. So yeah, We reached uptown around 2:30AM kot. Tak igt ah. But luckily tak ramai orang! Boleh kata takde orang lah sbb orang2 kat situ semua org yang berniaga je hahaha. My urge to shop tu tinggi sangat but I had to control myself and the only thing i bought was this chicken popcorn and hotdog. Lapar okey! lol. Oh, and air 100plus nak bawak naik nnti. So yeah, lepas dorang dah jumpa flashlight tu, kitaorg gerak lah ke Broga Hills kat Semenyih. Lama jugak laaa the journey. I tried to sleep konon nak recharge before panjat broga but I failed badly. I mean, i was already awake since subuh of 23rd Sept, and dah 24th Sept still tak ngantuk. Maybe the excitement and the adrenaline rush kept me awake. Oh oh, kitaorg lalu University of Nottingham! Soniaa's college hihi. I was excited dapat lalu her college. It was beautiful! ^^'

So yeahhh, lepas Nottingham U tu, dah dekat dah. Kitaorg stop kat KK Mart beli supply makanan and AIR! Yes. Oh, and kitaorg get ready tukar seluar baju bagai kat BHP station. Gilir2 lah tukar. And then, off we go! After a few more miles, we reached this 'natural parking lot'. Why is that? Cuz it's a freaking parking lot dalam ladang kelapa sawit! Sumpah awesome. Ohhh, just to remind you, time kitaorg smpai ni mmg gelap nak mati. We just relied on the car's light. Sumpah gelap cuz it was only 3:35AM or something im not sure. And we were the only one there. Tokey parking tu pun tak smpai lagi haha.

So yeah, after getting ready betulkan kasut bagai, tetiba geng2 Aiman nak g toilet. Melabur katanya -.-' So we have to wait for them. Kitaorg duduk kat tengah2 kelapa sawit tu and just enjoy the silence and darkness. With the crickets and all, seronok sangat. Rasa tenang and I felt so close to the nature. It has been ages since i did this kind of adventurous thing. Selama ni pun in camps. This time with my friends and we were on our own. So yeahh, lama jugak laaaa Aiman and the gang hilang, kitaorg yang menunggu ni siap boleh warm up lagi haha. Smpai ade one more kereta smpai, baru dorang smpai. And Syahmi made all four of them warm up cecepat lol. Then after that, Aiman lead baca doa sikit and off we go!!!

We moved in a line. Konon. I was one of the people yang kat depan. Aiman, Zaie, Syakir, then me, Leeza, Lilly then Manda Nisa and Syahmi Acap Afiq jaga juniors kat belakang. Kitaorg start from the ladang sawit, lalu this laluan with tanah yang tak rata berbonggol-bonggol heading to this 'hutan'. Honestly, masa nak pergi hutan tu je dah rasa penat dia hahaha. But kitaorg teruskan jugak. We had to be really careful. Lampu dah lah limited. Harapkan 3 flashlights and Manda's phone punya torch. Aku malas nak pegang phone sbnrnya cuz takut something happen with it. But in the end aku keluarkan jugak cuz tak tahan with the limited light!

So yeahh, the first stage was the hutan thingy. Redah hutan, but of course dah ade 'jalan' dia. Rasa macam buat night walk. Or you can say jungle tracking but memalam buta. I can hardly believe i did that without any fear. I was super excited in fact. Ye lahhh, we were on our own! At least jungle tracking bagai tu ade instructor. Ni mana adaaa. It was only us with the guys yang ade pengalaman sikit. That's it.

The hutan stage was quite long tbh. Banyak jugak lah berhenti for them yang tak tahan. Syakir dah kedepan alone with abg2 from the other group cuz he was extremely excited nak sampai dulu lol. The tips sebenarnya tak boleh banyak stop and bila stop tak boleh lama2 cuz nnti your muscle jadi malas and cepat penat. So sambil2 tunggu dorang catch their breath, i moved my legs to keep them active. Oh and each time aku nak kedepan and start my journey again, Aiman kept stopping me. Bahaya katanya. Fine Aiman. Lol and guess what? He kept pushing my limits! I mean, ade je bunyi from him saying that, "Ni sikit je... atas tu nnti LAGI susah.. Dah lah cerun. Fuhh susah tauuu." LOL guess what bruhh, I don't buy that! Nampak sangat he under-estimate me. He kept asking, "Wey Mira kau okay tak? Nmpk macam tak je." Hahaha come on, I live for this kind of thing laaa! hahaha. Nothing can get in my way. Penat tu biasa laaa. But I have tons of courage! So yeahh, I will reach wherever I want.

And yesssss, bila dah lepas that hutan stage and smpai the first platform I was like Hell yeahh! hahaha. Dah boleh nampak view sikit. I was super excited and thought that was it. Happy gila konon until Aiman smpai and said that "Wey ni baru first stage laa. Ade lagi dua which lagi susah from tadi." And tbh, I don't mind at all but the first stage which was the hutan itself dah quite tough. Haha. So yeahh, kitaorg lepak jap kat the first platform and enjoy the night view... Lawa sangat. Tak sabar nak smpai puncak enjoy the full view. Kitaorg tunggu Syahmi Acap Afiq and the juniors to smpai kat platform baru kitaorg yang first batch ni gerak to the second and third stage.

Malam tak nmpk ape sgt so we just went through the maze, I mean the not-so-flat surface yang penuh dgn lalang untuk smpai ke next bukit yang kitaorg kena daki. And yes it was steep. But luckily dah ade 'tangga' sikit hasil pijakan orang2 terdahulu cehh. And to be honest, aku tak dapat beza the 2nd and 3rd stage cuz sama je dua2. Cuma bila dah nak smpai atas tu, mendaki dia 60 degree weyy! Cerun gila but we did it! I did it!

Wohooooo! Finally smpai kat punak Broga 400m exactly at 5:49AM! Perghhhh I was very excited! Teruja laaa wey! Kitaorg yang dah smpai ni terus amik port atas batu and baring. Lepaskan penat and tunggu yang lain. The feeling was amazing. Dapat baring and tengok langit penuh ngan bintang. Perghhhh one of the best thing ever! Sayup je kat atas tu. Nyaman and sejuk. It really brings you close to the creator. Lagi2 time kitaorg smpai tu dah dekat subuh. Dapat dengar azan from bawah and Syahmi pun ade laungkan azan kat bawah sikit. Dia tak sempat smpai atas. But it was really really great. Seronok sangat. Oh and we got to perform our subuh prayer kat atas bukit. Really rare haha.

So yeahh, after that kitaorg lepak and makan sambil tunggu sunrise. Tak nmpk sgt pun cuz ade pokok. But bila dah cerah sikit tu, ape lagi, bergambor lerrr memasing! hahaha. Gila nak duduk diam. Mmg tak ler. Oh, time kitaorg kat atas tu, ade 3 group je termasuk kitaorg. Pastu masa start turun around 7:15 something, tetiba RAMAI gilaaaa org! hahaha tah dari mana datang. Dorang ramai stop kat platform one and two je. Cuz kat situ lagi luas. Kat atas kecik je tempat diaa. Lagipun payah sikit nak smpai. Sbb tu ramai stop kat tengah je. But tu pun dah memadai sbrnya. But for me, alang2 dan smpai broga, rugi lah woi tak naik smpai puncak. En? But i did it anyway ;) hihi.

And yes, time naik tu dah gila, time turun lagi lah. Haha. Cerun kot. And it was slippery. But it was fun. Laju je turun haha. Sakit jugak lah tapak kaki sbb kena banyak cengkam and it hit the surface hard. Time turun banyak stop. But bukan sbb penat if you know what i mean, haha. Stop sbb amik gmbar! LOL. Sumpah lawaaaaaa wey! Time naik kan gelap tak nmpk ape, so time turun tu excited dia lain sikit sbb nmpk jelas laluan yang kitaorg lalu the first place. It was super green and lawaaaaaaaa doh! And jauh pulak tu. Haha tak sangka we used that laluan cuz rasa kejap sangat. And sambil turun tu terserempak ramai jugak org. Kena give and take. Bagi laluan sikit and stuff. Im very glad kitaorg was the first to naik cuz I can't imagine kalau kena panjat smpai atas with other people nak turun. Mesti semak and tak best haha. Oh, yang naik tu bukan budak2 muda je tau. Pakcik2 makcik2 pun ade okay! Very proud of them :) seronok tengok hihi.

So yeah, kitaorg smpai bawah kat kereta around 8:40AM kot. Our journey turun naik took us 4 hours or so. Kat puncak tu je dah sejam lebih lepak huhu. But yeah, it was super extremely fun! All of us were okay and nothing bad happened, Alhamdulillah :) Lepas habis tu and everyone was ready, kitaorg gerak balik. Guess what? Jammed pulak lahai -.-' Kesian acap and the other drivers. Aku, lily ngan leeza dah pengsan teruk haha. I was barely sleeping sbnrnya. But mesti teruk gila muka time tido. Tak kisah ape dah time tu. Penat gilos haha.

Until this one moment Acap woke me up. And I was like tengah mamai tu, "huh? Asal? Minyak nak habis ke?" cuz what i saw was petronas but we were heading far away from it. I was clueless till Acap said, "Wey mira bukak waze. Aku terlepas bebudak tu laa." LOL. That's what you get bila Acap yang bawak kereta. Aku dah biasa betul dgn Acap ni. Dia reti bawak kereta je. Jalan tak pernah tau haha. So yeah, dengan berbekalkan battery phone 8%, sempat lah waze jalan kejap. Nasib baik dh tak jauh. So kitaorg pun gerak je lah balik KSJ tinggalkan the other two cars. Malas nak tunggu. And Alhamdulillah, around 10AM kitaorg smpai KSJ.

Memasing terus masuk bilik. Mandi and tido. Perghhhh... Pengsan habis aku. 10:30 tido, maghrib baru tersedar. Teruk betul haha. But you can't blame me though. I was awake 28 hours straight! Perghhh... time buat kerja studio pun aku tak pernah tak tido sehari. Gila laa. I was kind of proud of myself haha.

But aaaaaaarghhh! Macam tak percaya aku dah naik and turun Broga! Super cool experience and In Shaa Allah, next sem pergi hiking lagi! And Syahmi kata dia nak bawak tempat lain pulak. Haha we'll see! Yayyy! Tak sabar haha. But now I have to focus on REDO and FINALS which is in next week argh! haha. But anyway, I wanna thank Syahmi and the gang sbb sudi bawak kitaorg in this amazing journey! Thanks mr. president! hihi. besttttt!

So yeah, these are some of the pictures! Enjoy ;)

Bukit Ampang :)

Kat BHP getting ready before naik Broga

We're on top of the hill! 5:49AM ;)

"Eh look!" Haha poyo excited

With le juniors
Syakir|Lily|Fina|Mazrien|Bihah|Hani and me at the front :>

"I see my future."

I made it!

Hah kauu, macam2 gaya ada nak turun.

Meet Leeza!

Syakir! He's the one who taught me this 'macho' pose, lol

Peace yaw

Lawa kan? Trust me, see it with your naked eyes, it's waaaaay gorgeous!

Mr. Push-my-limits, Aiman LOL

Oh hye driver. Eh? haha, Acap, Leeza, Aiman and me :)

Le leaders. Syahmi and Aiman. Thanks bruhh!

Elelelelelelelele lol

Believe it or not, yes we climbed that. Woah.

The 'natural parking lot'

Half of 2DDPN :)

Top: Aiman|Afiq|Leeza|Lily|Syakir|Me
Bottom: Zaie|Asyraff|Syahmi|Nisa|Manda

Suka view ni! Lawa!

So yeah, that's it! I had REAL FUN and looking forward for more adventures with them :D Thanks for the memories guyssss! Sayang korang! :*


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