
Jun 17, 2011

Justin Bieber 'tindik' ?

first of all , im a BELIEBER ! ihearthim .

but , urgh . y he have to do that ? i mean , that 'tindik' stuff . it's so not cool . aku tak suka dohh . tak tau npe -.-' but , surely ramai yg suka kann ? sexy lah konon -.-' 

tolong lah . mcm gay je ? haihhh . n bila dia pakai earings , nmpk mcm budak jahat . can't you guys see it ? open up ur eyes dude . try to see his before-tindik-picture . lagi cute . suci je . tak cye ? tgok ni . then , compare ngan yg tindik .

see , cute-er isn't it ? innocent je muka . haha xD

apa POINT aku sbnrnye nie ? haha . 

point aku is , i HATE people who 'tindik' . biebs , i still can't get that word in english -.-'


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