
Nov 30, 2012

Now I know how it feels

Yeap . I exactly know that feeling . The feeling of having your celebrity crush just to yourself . got it ?

Well , korang mesti ade celebrity crush tersendiri kaann ? One Direction , The Wanted , Taylor Swift , Shaheizy Sam , Justin Bieber . . just whoever .

No wonder selama ni , bila cakap pasal 1D , Shirah seems to avoid it . mcm tak suka bila org lain ckp pasal her fav band tu . eventhough aku mmg ikhlas minat dorang jugak . The truth is , mmg aku rasa "eleh minah ni , 1D bukan kau punya sorang." wow , im being so direct :p hehe . well , tu yg aku rasa pun . So , bila nk cerita pasal 1D pun aku rasa tak sedap bila nk fangirling ngan dia .

Benda lain jadi when i shared story with sonii about Justin . Eventhough we both love him to the max , but it's fun for us . you know , like we have something in common to share . It is fun .

Tapi aku tak salahkan Shirah . Now i know what she feels . Bak kata seberang , "Gue tau persis apa yg dia rasa" ceyhh . penangan 'Bayu Cinta Luna' . kay kay , back to the point .

Actually , imma HUGE fan of BETO KUSYAIRY . c'mon ! im sure you know him .

Yeahh , that awesome guy . Heh . dulu dia tak berapa nk menonjol sgt . Im happy to be one of his 'first' fan . And now , lepas Istanbul Aku Datang n stuff , he's becoming more n more popular . bila aku search his name kat twitter , pergh , byk gila tweet fangirling . And seriously , aku rasa tak sedap . Jealousy occur . Rasa 'tak suka' . Pehal kau nk suka beto jugak ni ? y'know . that feeling .

And bamm . Aku sedar , shirah rasa mcm tu jugak towards 1D . She felt like "Aku yg jumpa 1D dulu , kau sekarang baru nak sibuk pehal " LOL . just the same thing how i felt bout Beto . EXACTLY the same .

Tapi , aku jugak rasa betapa ikhlas nyaaa org2 yg baru nk minat ni . sbb aku pun peminat ikhlas 1D yg 'lambat' kaaan ? so yeahh . aku tau rasa kedua2 nyaa . Aku tak boleh nak salahkan sesiapa . Diri sendiri yg kena control .

In the other hand , bagus jugak bila beto dah ada ramai peminat . i mean , ramai yg sedar bakat dia yg luar biasa tu . It's good for his career :D

Anyway , im just gonna pray the best for him . Go abg beto ! Love ya ;)

p/s: I'll still love you shirahh ! :*


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